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There was a long sigh before a purple haired ANBU moved. She was currently staring at the scene that was before her. Three drunk and unconscious Jōnin sensei, 8 sleeping Gēnin in their swim suits and their fellow ANBU member drinking sake, all while in the spa.
"Naruto?" The purple haired ANBU addressed him. He was on his undercover protection mission anyway, so she would address him only as Naruto.
"Don't worry, I've slipped a little something into the sake. They should be asleep for hours." Naruto said as he got up and out of the spa, stretching his arms. He gently put the sleeping Ino, who had somehow managed to drape herself over him, onto the side. He gave a signal and three other ANBU appeared.
"Set up the barrier." Naruto ordered and the four ANBU jumped into a square formation, quickly setting up a barrier. Naruto bit his thumb and wiped the blood across his palm.
"Summoning jutsu!" He placed his palm onto the solid ground and a fox appeared. Without a word, the fox quickly handed Naruto what it was holding, a small scroll. Naruto opened it and read it quickly.

Your mission is to stay Uchiha Sasuke's bodyguard. However, Intel has that S ranked missing nin Zabuza Momochi will be attempting to assassinate the person you are escorting. Your mission is to dispose of Zabuza and any of his accomplices without the suspicion of your team 7. It is imperative that Zabuza is killed ~ he will pose a much greater threat to the Land Of Waves of kept alive. Also, detain Gato for questioning upon arrival in the Land Of Waves.
Sandaime Hokage.

Naruto nodded to himself. The Hokage appeared before Naruto using the shunshin.
"Be careful Naruto. Zabuza is a master of the silent killing. He is also a member of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. Word has it that the Mist Village is under some revolution. Yagura, the Fourth Mizukage, is a dangerous and unstable man. You must be careful. Personally I hope that the way things are going with the Mist rebels that they overthrow him. There is something wrong with Yagura's way of training shinobi in his village. Anyway... enough from me. I shouldn't be seen here. Good luck." The third Hokage disappeared and the four ANBU deactivated their barrier.
"Good luck, Naruto." The purple haired ANBU spoke before they too disappeared. Naruto turned and quickly covered his ANBU tattoo with a cloth before he slid back into the spa pool, and raised his hands into a hand sign.
"Release!" Naruto quickly dispelled the effects of the chakra suppressing drug he had slipped into everyone's drinks, which he had to activate using his own chakra once everyone had taken a sip. Then he quickly pretended to be asleep.


Team 7 met up at the front gate 4 hours later. All of them, apart from Naruto had sore heads and were quietly cursing the sake that Asuma had brought. The third Hokage appeared quite unceremoniously in front of them, alongside two ANBU, Iruka, and a big man who was carrying a bottle of sake. They all cringed at that sight.
"Kakashi. This is the man you are escorting back to the Land Of Waves. His name is Tazuna." Tazuna grunted and looked at the team.
"This is what's going to protect me? A bunch of kids?" He asked in disbelief.
"Don't worry. I'm a Jōnin." Kakashi said with anything but confidence in his voice. He was still feeling the effects of the copious amounts of sake he had drunk. The Hokage stepped closer.
"The council has decided, that perhaps, to shake Sasuke from his path of vengeance, that you should reveal yourself as an ANBU whenever you can. You have been asked to train Sasuke personally." The Hokage whispered into his ear.
"Good luck." He said out loud so as not to raise too much suspicion.
"But be warned. Yugao told me that there are some, shall we say, uncivil people in between you and the Land Of Waves." The Hokage stepped back and headed towards his office, followed by Iruka and flanked by the two ANBU.
"Let's go." Kakashi said as he led them on their path to the Land Of Waves.

Their journey was pretty standard and quiet, except for Sakura bugging Sasuke or Kakashi. She didn't bother talking to Naruto. She may have found Naruto to be hot, but she was forever going after Sasuke. Naruto noticed Kakashi's subtle glance at the two demon brothers who had disguised themselves as a puddle of water. Naruto did nothing, as did Kakashi as they continued to walk. All of a sudden, two chains shot out and wrapped themselves around him.
"What?!" Kakashi yelled before he was shredded into pieces in front of them all. Sakura screamed, frozen in shock. The demon brothers smiled uncannily at Naruto.
"One down." They both charged at Tazuna, throwing their chains at him. Naruto appeared frozen in fear; on the contrary, he was simply waiting to see if Sasuke was going to make a move. He had decided that he would be assessing Sasuke's ability before hand so that he could get a glimpse at what he would be ordered to do by the council and Hokage. Sasuke leapt into action, throwing several kunai at the chains to deflect them from hitting Naruto. Then he went on to attack the two Chūnin, jumping off their outstretched arms and maneuvering around to kick them. Before anything could happen, Kakashi reappeared and swiftly dealt two blows to them both and they fell backwards, clutching their chests in pain.
"You..." They said as they struggled against Kakashi, who tied them up with a smile, not that you could see it through his mask. Tazuna audibly gulped in fear. He knew that they would be questioning him sooner or later. Kakashi turned to look and Tazuna and he broke out in sweat.
"I'm so sorry!" He blurted out. "The Land Of Waves Daimyo didn't have enough money to pay any higher than a C rank mission! Please! This is our land's only chance! If I can finish this bridge, then Gato can no longer maintain his hold over us, and we can finally get back on our feet!" Tazuna threw himself at Kakashi's feet, begging for the man to continue their mission.
"Let's go... We can't keep them waiting then can we?" Kakashi said as they continued to walk towards the Land Of Waves.
"H-hey wait!" Tazuna yelled as he got up and ran after them.

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