42 - Finale

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The Hokage sighed. The Sixth Hokage was not having a great time. The paperwork was mounting up and even if he could complete all of his work diligently every day, the amount of work was simply piling up. He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, before turning to look at the family photo. He smiled. Sakura's pink hair and Sarada's cute expression kept him going even when he began to doubt himself. Next to that family photo was a photo of him and Naruto before they parted ways. Naruto wanted to continue on the legacy that Master Jiraiya had left behind, to travel the world and see the things his Godfather had. And Hinata had followed him out into the world, something which both Sakura and Sasuke knew they would not be able to stop.

He heard the sound of running feet long before they reached the door to his office.
"Papa!" The door burst open and his twelve year old daughter burst in.
"Sarada..." Sasuke murmured. He watched the numerous piles of paper shake uncertainly for a moment. He sighed with relief when none of them toppled over.
"Is it true that the Fox Sage is coming back!?" She practically squealed. Sasuke smirked. His daughter wouldn't shut up about Naruto at all, ever since she had heard about him and decided to read up on the person who had rejected the position of Hokage and given it to Sasuke. Needless to say he had become her idol.
"Yes... today." Sasuke replied. Sarada jumped in joy. Then she ran off. Presumably to the gate.


The gate was busy. Crowds of people were waiting by the entrance for the long awaited return of their hero. The Hokage and his wife and daughter were standing there as well. Then there they were. Two figures seen cresting the hill to the main gate. They ran inside, both laughing and breathing heavily to regain their breath.
"Ha! I won!" The blond boy said.
"No fair!" The lavender haired Hyuga girl replied. There was a shocked silence. Sasuke could barely believe it. He was staring at a young Naruto and Hinata.
"Himawari! Boruto!" An older blond ran in and reprimanded both of the children. Then he stopped and looked up at Sasuke with a smile.

"It's been a while, Sasuke." He said. He was wearing long black pants, an orange shirt, and had a Sage cloak wrapped around him. Sasuke's eyes widened momentarily. Naruto looked like a Hokage. Standing next to him was Hinata. She was wearing a long white dress and had several flower pins in her hair.
"Are these your children?" Sasuke asked, still shocked. He hadn't seen them at all after the war. They'd left after the weddings.
"Yes." Hinata replied. Naruto grinned when he saw a little girl hiding slightly behind Sasuke, staring at him.
"So this must be Sarada then, Sasuke." He said. Sasuke looked behind him and nodded.
"Naruto! Hinata!" Sakura shouted as she forced her way through the crowd to stand next to Sasuke.
"I haven't seen you two in so long!" Sakura said happily as she dragged Hinata over.

"Himawari! Boruto! It's me! Your grandfather!" Hiashi shouted as he ran forward without a care in the world. He gave them both bone crushing hugs while he continued to smother them with loving words. Hanabi frowned. Totally unfit for a Hyuga.
"It's me! Your auntie!" She squealed as well as she also joined Hiashi.

"So this is it, huh?" Sasuke asked. Naruto gave him a grin. 
"Just you watch... those two will surprise you with their abilities." He replied. Sasuke shook his head slowly. 
"They were always going to surprise me." He replied. Sakura and Hinata walked up to their husbands.
"Let's have a feast." They both said in unison. The three children looked up at them. 
"Why not?" Sasuke replied, and together, they walked off. 

"Let's go to Ichiraku's!" 


First of all, I want to say, yes I am aware that is is a short finale. But I'm also happy that it is over. One story successfully completed. A big thank you to all those who voted or commented on my story, and to all those who also just read my story. Thanks for being understanding, for all the support, encouragement, criticism of my spelling... etc. In the end, we all made it here together, and I couldn't have found a way to do it all by myself. 

Here is a short 'poll' regarding a future project. It is not a Naruto fanfiction, just a normal fiction that I want to write. Once again, thank you, even if you choose not to partake in this poll.


- Medieval, aristocracy, nobility, peasantry, romance

- Modern, high school, (cliche popular student cause I feel like it), romance

Don't judge, I like romance stories.

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