24 - The end of Naruto

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I feel like I owe everyone an update ASAP for this story after that chapter, lol.

Also sorry about lack of updates. I had an assignment I had to complete.

"MOVE MOVE MOVE!" Tsunade shouted, her booming voice scaring everyone in the hospital as she thundered down the corridor, leaving cracks in the marble floor. It was the middle of the night when an exhausted Sasuke Uchiha stumbled through the gates, carrying the still form of the Uzumaki. The two gate guards had been roused from their sleep by his cries for help and had assisted them both into the hospital, with Lady Tsunade being notified immediately. Immediately, Lady Tsunade had been informed of the situation by Sasuke himself, and although he did technically become a rogue shinobi, he was pardoned immediately. Sasuke had then proceeded to collapse from exhaustion and had been moved to a room next to Naruto's. Several ANBU had also arrived back, carrying the bodies of the formerly known Sound Four ninja, as well as the desecrated, and almost unrecognisable body of Kimimaro. They had been taken to the autopsy rooms. Shizune was running along after Lady Tsunade, yelling for all available medical Ninja to grab as many things as possible and hurry to Lady Tsunade's private operating room. The congregation of all the medical Ninja were shocked to see the boy with the hole in his chest. He was still alive, which was even more shocking. But his pulse was dropping rapidly, and the blood loss wasn't being sustained fast enough, even with Kurama's healing and regenerative abilities. Lady Tsunade herself had already begun basic medical treatment, to stop the blood loss.
"Lady Tsunade!" Shizune shouted as she entered, letting Tonton down onto the ground.
"Shizune! I need you to take over with the four corners healing seal!" She shouted, and Shizune directed seven other medics around her and they immediately prepared it. Two medical Ninja were placed at each of the four corners, pushing their medical chakra into it. Shizune directed the remaining medical Ninja to monitor them and also to aid Lady Tsunade. The seal began to glow green, as the medical chakra flowed from all four corners towards the middle, where Naruto was lying. The moment the medical chakra touched Naruto's body, Kurama's red chakra began to bubble up around him, before forming itself into a chakra manifestation of the nine tailed fox.
"Tsunade... I've linked your chakra with his now through my chakra as a medium..." Kurama said as he poured his chakra into her hands. Tsunade nodded. She knew exactly what her job was. She closed her eyes, and formed the Tiger hand seal.
"Ninja art: Mitotic regeneration!" She said out loud as she began to concentrate, releasing the chakra from her seal that was on her forehead. It spread out around her body, the seal markings spreading out down her arms and began to cover Naruto's body. This was Tsunade's strongest and most powerful healing technique. Usually only reserved for herself in battle, by releasing the chakra stored in her seal, she was able to fully heal off any damage, no matter how severe and fatal they were, by speeding up the cell division in her body. Because Kurama had linked their chakra using his as a medium, she could now transfer her self healing technique into Naruto's body, using her vast medical ninjutsu knowledge as well as all the stored chakra within her seal to speed up the cell division in Naruto's body, and heal him too. The results were almost immediate. Already, the damage sustained inside his body was fading, being fully healed, although the strain was immense. The fact that they were reconstructing a part of his chest, essentially, and that it was many hours after he'd taken damage required an extraordinary amount of chakra, which was also being provided by the medical Ninja via the four corners healing seal.

Tsunade opened her eyes, watching as the wound began to close. It still amazed her how effective and powerful her healing technique was. The medical Ninja positioned at the four corners slumped forward, exhausted as they were replaced by other medical Ninja almost immediately. They watched as the final medical chakra flowed into his body, fully healing him until nothing but a scar was left as a reminder. The medical Ninja all cheered, although it was somewhat quiet as they were all exhausted. Tsunade didn't hear any of it though. Her genjutsu had come undone on her, her skin shrivelling slightly, becoming more wrinkled, her face ageing by a few decades. Her eyes grew darker, more tired, and the bags under her eyes were made even more prominent. She shuddered slightly as she felt a breeze. Standing up, she wobbled, before leaning onto the nearest medical Ninja for support. Everyone was shocked. The amount of chakra the Sannin had expended was not to be laughed at, especially if her genjutsu had become undone, considering it only required non detectable amounts of chakra to sustain.
"Tsunade Sama!" She faintly heard Shizune shout as she stumbled for the door, feeling old, tired, and fragile. The door opened and standing outside was the Toad Sannin, worried and he immediately rushed forward, wrapping his arms around her tightly, steadying Tsunade. Any other time he would joke or make some flirtatious moves on her, but the seriousness of the situation meant that he'd be serious too.
"Good job, Tsunade. You've done well. You need a long rest." Jiraiya whispered comfortingly as he escorted her slowly towards the exit. Shizune watched, conflicted but knew that only Jiraiya could comfort Tsunade at a time like this. She may have been her apprentice and friend for many years, but nothing could come close to the friendship, teamwork and camaraderie that Jiraiya and Tsunade had, even if they almost never showed it. She turned back to the medical Ninja crowded in the room, all in various states of rest.
"Let's move Naruto into a hospital room." Shizune said and several of the more able and less tired medical Ninja stood up. They coordinated their moves, half of them moving off to the chosen room to prepare, while Shizune monitored Naruto's health as he was lifted onto a moving bed and transported to the room.

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