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Is it A? Or B?

And the winner is... B...


Hiruzen could only gasp as the coffins lids fell down. Standing in the three coffins were the First, Second and Fourth Hokages. Orochimaru grinned. Hashirama was the first to speak as the others looked around, then at Hiruzen.
"Sarutobi? Is that you?" Hashirama asked. Hiruzen nodded. Then the two Hokage looked at the young blond one.
"Who are you?" They asked in unison.
"I'm the fourth Hokage." He said with a proud smile as he showed them the cloak he was wearing which had the words 'Yondaime Hokage' on it.
"Why are you dead?!" Hashirama screamed. "What happened to the Leaf?!" Tobirama facepalmed at his older brother's antics.
"Some guy attacked and managed to remove the Kyuubi from my wife's seal during childbirth. I made a new jinchuriki, my son, but as a result, me and Kushina died..." Minato said. Hiruzen face fell.
"Minato... don't worry about Naruto. He's doing fine." Hiruzen said, trying to comfort the crestfallen Hokage. Then they all gasped and flinched when Orochimaru placed a kunai with written tags on them inside their heads.
"I think it's time the reunion comes to a close, don't you think, Sarutobi sensei?" Orochimaru said with a grin.
"You used the forbidden jutsu! Orochimaru how far have you fallen?!" Hiruzen said angrily.
"The better question is, how long do you think you can survive?" Orochimaru replied and Hiruzen couldn't say anything. Against the first and second Hokage, he was sure he'd be fine. Sure, they were powerful, but Orochimaru's jutsu was incomplete so they only had a fraction of their power and were unable to break free of the reanimation jutsu's influence. However, the Fourth Hokage was simply too fast for him, especially now in his old age. He'd be cut down mercilessly by his dead successor. Orochimaru stepped back as the three Kage stepped forward to face Hiruzen, all emotion gone from their faces. Tobirama moved first. He clapped his hands together.
"Water style! Water Shockwave!" He said and immediately, a vortex of water was created. Then it exploded from the top, the water forming a wave as it came crashing down towards the third Hokage. Tiger Hare Boar Dog.
"Earth style! Mud wall!" Hiruzen countered and immediately formed a giant wall in front of him to block the powerful water. Hashirama moved next. Tiger Ram Snake.
"Wood style! Deep forest emergence!" Hiruzen heard Hashirama shout and immediately, a giant forest began to grow out around Hiruzen, forcing the aged Hokage to jump backwards to dodge the moving branches. Then he noticed a hail of kunai thrown around him. I'm dead... Hiruzen thought as he recognised the beginnings of the legendary Yellow Flash of the Leaf's technique. In a flash Minato appeared right next to one of the kunai which was nearest Hiruzen. The Third Hokage dodged backwards, knowing that if Minato tagged him, it would be over. He threw an explosive tag at Minato, and then at Hashirama and Tobirama as they jumped at him. Performing a quick substitution jutsu, he appeared on the ground below and flared his chakra into the tags, making them explode. The three reanimations exploded, leaving gaping large holes in their bodies as they landed. He then faced Orochimaru, only to be kicked into the trees. He wiped his blood from his mouth.
"Summoning jutsu! Monkey king Enma!" A puff of smoke appeared, and in the centernstood an enigmatic monkey on one foot.

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