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Longest chapter I've ever written!?!? Holy... even I'm impressed. :D enjoy!!

"We need to choose a new Hokage now." The Daimyo addressed the seated council. The war was effectively over, with the Sand Village retreating and offering a flag of truce, after the discovery of their dead Kazekage at the hands of Orochimaru. The whole village was in full repair mode. The Fire Daimyo looked around. Hyuga Hiashi, Danzo, Koharu Utatane and Homura Mitokado were the only members present. The others were still busy with injuries.
"Then, Danzo, will you take on this position?" The Fire Daimyo asked.
"I will not. I have my ROOT to coordinate. May I suggest, Tsunade Senju?" He asked. Tsunade's advanced medical jutsu had saved a lot of lives in the aftermath of the war, and everyone was especially appreciative of her right now.
"Let's vote." The Fire Daimyo said. It was an unanimous vote.
"Then Tsunade Senju it is."


Tsunade was not pleased. She was managing the hospital, and now had been made Hokage. Sitting behind the desk, she watched Naruto and the other ANBU for a moment.
"Please ensure that the village perimeter is secure." She commanded and the ANBU all nodded and headed off.
"Naruto. Call Shikamaru up." She said and Naruto nodded. He headed down quickly, threading his way through all of the people before leaving the Hokage tower. Naruto pondered on what she'd told him. He's probably being granted Chunin rank. Naruto thought. Even though Shikamaru never got to fight, his tactics and strategy during the invasion were top notch. Naruto thought as he headed towards the Nara house. He knocked on the door and it was opened by his mother.
"Naruto? Are you here for Shikamaru?" She asked.
"Yes." Naruto said. He'd discarded his Genin rank completely, fully embracing his actual rank in front of his friends. Afterall, Tsunade had told him it was useless to keep pretending now anyways.
"Shikamaru! Naruto is waiting for you!" She called into the house and an answering shout was heard. Moments later, Shikamaru appeared and looked at him, then sighed.
"Let's go." Naruto said, turning and then walking away to the Hokage's tower. Shikamaru walked up next to him.
"Naruto... what's going on?" Shikamaru asked. Naruto turned to look at the Nara. That question was vague; and Naruto knew why. Shikamaru was talking about everything. Naruto sighed.
"I guess I should start from the beginning. Shikamaru, I hope I can trust you not to tell anyone... it's my past, and I'd like it to remain that way."


Minato finished the final seal and Kurama's remaining Yang half was sealed into Naruto. Kushina and Minato's bodies hit the ground as the barrier disappeared and the Third Hokage rushed in.
"I want... Naruto to be... seen as a hero... not a demon..." Minato said softly to Hiruzen as he died. Hiruzen ran over to the boy and cradled him in his arms.
"Naruto..." the old man said fondly, watching the blond baby wake up and look around, before crying. The ANBU walked up to him.
"The Fourth Hokage and Lady Kushina are both gone." The ANBU reported to him.
"Where is Danzo?" The Third Hokage asked.
"He deployed his ROOT around the perimeter of the village for protection. Danzo is currently at the front gate." The ANBU said. There was an air of sadness around them as they left with baby Naruto.


The Third Hokage sighed as he looking at the paper work. He could feel a headache coming even though there was only a couple of sheets of paper left. Before the next pile. Jiraiya and Tsunade were lounging around on the couch, drinking sake in his office, while discussing the hospital and Jiraiya's spy network. Then the door burst open and Naruto rushed in. The four year old with his bright blue eyes and mischievous smile slammed the door quickly behind him. The two Sannin immediately looked at him.
"Who's that brat? He looks familiar." Jiraiya asked. Tsunade smacked his head.
"That's the son of the Fourth Hokage." Tsunade glared at him. Jiraiya raised an eyebrow.
"I'd forgotten my student had a son..." he replied.
"You are supposed to be his godfather..." Tsunade commented dryly. They watched as the blond boy rushed up to the Third Hokage.
"Look old man!" He shouted. Then the door burst open.
"I'm terribly sorry, Lord Hokage! Naruto isn't eating his lunch and I told him not to disturb you!" Ebisu said as he walked into the room. "Now now, Naruto, let's go back to lunch, and then I'll teach you all you need to know about being a great ninja." Naruto stuck his tongue out and drew out a shuriken from the Third Hokage's pockets.
"Watch this old man!" He shouted. Ox Dog Dragon Rat Dog Boar Snake Tiger.
"Shuriken shadow clone jutsu!" He shouted, throwing the shuriken while weaving the hand seals. Ebisu screamed and ran off down the hallway when the cluster of shuriken flew at him. Tsunade and Jiraiya both stared incredulously as the four year old laughed and danced around. They turned their attention back to the frozen Hokage, whose mouth was wide open, his pipe lying on the table where it had landed after falling from his open mouth.
"Naruto!? Did you go where you weren't supposed to go!?" Hiruzen roared out when he finally came to his senses. The two Sannin gulped as the glowering Hokage stood up.
"Uh... hehe..." Naruto chuckled nervously as he formed the Ram hand seal.
"Sexy jutsu!" He shouted out, much to the surprise of the three ninja. He transformed into a naked woman with clouds of smoke covering the private areas, winked at the Hokage before he scampered out of the room. The Hokage stood frozen, before he fell backwards, his eyes twitching and his nose bleeding profusely.
"Why that little brat!" Tsunade shouted. Then she turned around and punched Jiraiya in the face, who was drooling and looked like he wanted to sneak out to find Naruto.
"Stupid perverted prodigy!" Tsunade muttered to herself as she left the room.

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