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^ What I've been listening to, along with some other songs from that movie, although this is my favourite. 'Dan Stevens - Evermore' and 'Days in the Sun' 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

Ok so as of this chapter, I've asked to be entered into the NarutoWattyAwards competition thing... it's my first time ever participating in something like this >< (you know I was surfing Wattpad when I came across this... and I debated for like 30 minutes... I was really nervous and didn't really want to >< but I'm giving it a try anyway!). Regardless, sorry, and also enjoy this chapter.

Naruto clenched and unclenched his hands in anticipation. He was walking through his mindscape towards the centre. The surroundings were still the same old gloomy sewer, but Naruto could feel the presence of another chakra coming from within. A very familiar chakra that he had not felt for several years. He rounded the last corner and came across the large open space. The gate doors were closed, but that didn't matter. His stomach had stopped periodically sending out waves of pain through his body which signalled that the seal was back on his stomach.
"Kurama?" Naruto called out tentatively.
"Naruto..." he heard Kurama reply and he almost wept tears of joy.
"Your back!" He shouted happily.
"Well... in a manner of speaking, I am..." Kurama relied. Kurama came into view and Naruto gawked, his jaw wide open, and struggling to speak.
"Y- you are so small..." Naruto observed, watching as Kurama, who was as small as Akamaru was back at the academy, slipped through the gaps in the bars.
"And you only have one tail..." Naruto commented on sadly. He looked in essence, very much like a normal fox.
"A small price to pay... but do not worry, I will regrow my other tails as my chakra slowly reforms. Biju tails signify the amount of chakra we have, and I only have as much as the Tanuki does right now..." Kurama explained, watching as Naruto's face changed from concerned to relieved.
"Good to know you'll be back to your lazy form sooner or later." Naruto added in with a chuckle. Kurama tilted his head and raised his tail slightly.
"Oh? Well I'll have you know that every time I grow a new tail it will hurt like hell for you." He smirked as Naruto gulped.


The Hokage seemed rather pleased when Shizune entered the office. All of the paperwork had been completed. All five stacks. Shizune blinked her eyes twice.
"Eeh!?!" She shrieked out. She rubbed her eyes and stared, still not believing it.
"How did you finish all of that!?" She shouted. Tsunade gave her a grin. Then she drew both hands together.
"Is there anymore paperwork?" She asked with a sickly sweet smile.
"N-no" Shizune replied, clearly unhinged. Tsunade smiled.
"Join me on the couch." She said before poofing away. Shizune blinked again before turning to look at the couch. There was an already drunk Tsunade sitting there, pouring more sake into her cup.
"YOU-!!" Shizune was lost for words. Tsunade sipped her cup and sighed.
"Sake from Mount Myoboku is always the best." Tsunade said, waving an empty cup tantalisingly at Shizune. She gulped.

"Lady Hokage! Import-" the messenger stopped when he saw the Hokage and her assistant drunk on the couches, red faced and laughing. He mentally screamed in frustration.
"Lady Hokage." He said sternly. She looked up at him.
"We received an urgent message from the Sand Village." He said and then stepped to the side as Jiraiya ran in. Tsunade stopped drinking immediately. Jiraiya had just run in through the door. And not jumped in through the window.
"What's wrong?" Tsunade asked as she stood up, wobbling slightly due to the effects of the sake. Shizune had already passed out. It didn't effect Tsunade that much, she was always drinking, and her fast metabolism of the alcohol due to in part her seal, meant that she'd be sober quickly, no matter how much alcohol she'd consumed.
"It's the akatsuki. They are on the move." Jiraiya said. The messenger handed Tsunade the letter from the Sand Village and left the office.
"They've captured Gaara!" Tsunade said. She paused, then looked at Jiraiya.
"You know what to do. I'll sort out the retrieval squad. And you need to leave immediately." She said. Jiraiya nodded. His spy network would have a multitude of new information for him due to the activity that the akatsuki were now up to. Also he had to rendezvous with Itachi at some time to be able to find out which pairs were after which biju. Jiraiya jumped out the window, seeing as it would be much faster, and Tsunade barely noticed it.
"Send out the hawk." Tsunade told the ANBU next to her. He nodded before disappearing.

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