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Btw I didn't even realise that voting started until Angiebabs tagged me in her vote, so thanks for that vote! :)
Same message as before, vote if you want, you don't have to vote me, there are a ton of amazing stories entered so take your time. To be fair, I wasn't expecting any votes, but angie voted, so I'll take it XD. So yeah just vote what you think is best, don't vote me out of pity, because while I'd appreciate the vote, I won't feel like I've earned it. Like I said much earlier in the book, it's just going to be a fun and enjoyable experience for me.

Kisame chuckled as he approached the fight. He could see Asuma and Kurenai were trying to fend them all off, but to no avail. He stood still and grinned. Ox Monkey Hare Rat Boar Bird Ox Horse Bird Rat Tiger Dog Tiger Snake Ox Ram Snake Boar Ram Rat Yang Water Monkey Bird Dragon Bird Ox Horse Ram Tiger Snake Rat Monkey Hare Boar Dragon Ram Rat Ox Monkey Bird Yang Water Rat Boar Bird.
"Water style. Water dragon jutsu." He muttered. The river next to him began to bubble before a dragon composed of water shot out, flying straight for the two Jonin. It collided midway with another water dragon, both of them cancelling each other out. Kisame's eyes widened. He quickly began to fly through his next set of hand seals. Tiger Ox Monkey Rabbit Ram Boar Ox Horse Monkey Tiger Dog Tiger Snake Tiger Ox Monkey Rabbit Bird.
"Water style! Wat-" Kisame started.
"Water vortex jutsu!" Someone finished for him and Kisame watched in horror as a giant vortex of water came crashing into him, sending him flying back. He landed on the ground with a thud before he started laughing.
"Only one person can outclass me in ninjutsu... Itachi." He said as he stood up, turning to face the Uchiha.
"Kisame." He replied. Kisame grinned and drew Samehada from his back. Itachi drew his katana from his back.
"I am finally able to fight you, Itachi-San." Kisame said as he dashed forward. Itachi dashed forward as well, the two S rank ninja meeting in the middle with a resounding shockwave when they clashed their swords against each other.

What followed was an intense display of swordsmanship, both ninja wielding their blades faster than the naked eye could see, although they would have been able to see the clashes and hear the sounds as the two threw everything they had into the fight.
"Itachi!" Kisame screamed as he charged forward and swung Samehada with both hands at the Uchiha. Itachi raised his katana and held it with both hands, swinging his katana back against Kisame's. The two weapons met each other with a resounding bang, Itachi's being reinforced with chakra to be able to take the blow without breaking, although Samehada did absorb it. The two backflipped, skidding backwards to face each other from a distance. Itachi took out a kunai and Kisame took out a tanto, both holding them in their off hand.
"Asuma! Kurenai!" Itachi shouted as his Sharingan blazed into view.
"Do not interfere. Keep defending!" Itachi ordered although he didn't really need to. Hidan and Kakuzu weren't fighting. In fact, everyone was simply watching. The two of them took a stance.

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