Netflix and Cavill

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"Would you like anything else?"

"No," I simply reply with a small shake of my head. "Thank you, though."

The waitress flashes a sweet smile before going on her way and leaving me alone to resume watching The Tudors while I chew the plastic straw in my iced coffee.

It was a warm sunny day in south Florida, and I had decided to venture out of my cold and dark apartment to get some much needed vitamin c. I had decided on checking out the local coffee shop down the block where they had advertised about having wifi. It was nice, the coffee good, and the wifi? Well I was watching Netflix, wasn't I?

I popped my little pink gel ear buds back into my ears and tapped the screen on my tablet to resume the show. It took a minute, the tablet slow to register that I had tapped the play button. For that minute I stared at the beautiful face of a bearded man who went by the name of Henry Cavill, or Charles Brandon in the show.

In the scene that was taking forever to load, he sat in a chair with a gorgeous breath taking smile on his handsome face and a goblet in his hand. I was on season four, episode one and about fifteen minutes into the episode.

Finally the show resumed only to stop again. Bummer, I think to myself as I set the coffee down and now rest my cheek against my curled fist. Maybe I spoke too soon about the shop's wifi.

With the tablet now taking a century, I was able to hear the sound of laughter ten times louder thanks to the ear buds. Taking them out, I turned my attention for the tablet to flip through my writing journal I had brought along in case, by some miracle, I found the sudden spark to continue writing my novel. So far procrastination was winning.

"Will you look at that handsome man," chuckled a man from behind me. I continued flipping through my journal determined not to be nosy. I mean I really wanted to look because he sounded foreign.

Another man, assuming one who was with him then started to laugh and now I couldn't fight my curiosity any longer. I looked up and over toward the street where a bunch of pedestrians were walking in hopes for a glimpse of this "handsome" man they were looking at.

When I found no one remotely handsome, I then turned my attention back to my tablet and tapped the screen again.

"How long ago was that?" The first man had asked.

"I can't even remember, it's been so long," chuckled the second.

Crap. My tablet was frozen. Sighing to myself I bent over to search through my purse for a needle or something to reset the damn thing. No luck.

"Well I hope you die then," I said to my stupid tablet as I shoved it back into my purse along with my ear buds. Now what?

"Bit harsh to say, don't you think?"

I peered up through a layer of dark locks to find an oddly familiar face staring back at me. Why was he so familiar looking?

Slowly I sat up, pushing back the curtain of hair that covered my face so that I could get a better look.

"Holy shit!" Did I really just say that out loud?

Now I knew why this man looked familiar. He was the younger brother of the man sitting across from him. The very same man that was currently frozen on my tablet screen.

I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks and the tears burning my eyes. Holy fuck, I wanted to die. How embarrassing.

"I suppose that's a first."

"Since being in Florida? Yeah."

Please, God, if you're listening, strike me down right here and now. Or maybe even open up a hole small enough to swallow me whole.

"I think you broke her, Hen."

"Really?" The large actor stood up and walked around the table toward me. My heart literally felt like it was about to burst out of my chest. "Nah, she's breathing, look."

What was happening? Why couldn't I move? I felt like a deer in headlights. Wait, what did a deer in headlights feel like? What did they even look like? I was very fortunate to have never witnessed such a scene so I didn't know.

Henry Cavill then waved his large hand in front of my face, his smile fading a smidge. "Or perhaps I really did."

"Ugh, the mannequin challenge was so last year."

I snapped out of my odd daze and whipped my head around in the direction of that snobby voice. Just kidding, I actually closed my mouth that had been wide open for some type of bug to fly into. I wasn't one for confrontations.

"I'm sorry," I could feel my brows just joining together to make a unibrow as I looked at the two men. Wait, why was I apologizing?

Charlie, Henry's brother, then started to burst out laughing as he looked at his brother. Henry glanced at him, a small smile on his face, one that said he was unsure... of me or his brother, I didn't know.

"You've no need to apologize," Henry then said.

"I know? Sorta - actually I don't know and I'm sorry."

Where is that hole? Why was it sunny out? Come on Florida, the one time you need a sinkhole or a thunderstorm and you fail to help a girl out? Like really?

"Would you perhaps, like to take a photo?" He then asked me, which kinda shocked me because should it be the other way around?

"A what?" I somehow managed to get out. A photo, he asked for a photo... wait just him or?

"Would you like to take a picture with me?"

"Oh sweet mother Mary, yes," I then clamped my hand over my mouth, eyes wide and my face no doubt ten shades redder than the umbrella I sat under. "Did I just say that?"

"Yes," replied Charlie as he and his brother began chuckling at my... oh, what even is the word? Whatever, they were laughing at me. End of story.

So then Henry asked for my phone, to which I was a slow to give and almost dropped it. Then he passed it to his brother who was taking the picture. Then I sometime managed to stand up despite my wobbly knees. Henry must have noticed me shaking violently because as soon as I was up, and gripping to the chair for dear life, he slid his arm around my waist to support me.

"You good?" He asked.

"I think?" I said through my weird smile that I was doing as I stared at my phone.

Charlie took the picture and Henry helped me back into my chair. As soon as I was seated and my phone returned, Henry was approached by a group of people who wanted his autograph and photos.

Deciding now was my time to make a great escape, though with legs of jello I didn't know how this would be possible, I shoved my notebook into my purse, picked up my drink, sling my bag over my shoulder and I took a deep breath. Then I rose from my chair with the help of the table and began to walk away without even a glance back. Okay, who am I kidding? I so looked back and much to my surprise, Charlie was watching me.

Henry Cavill FantasiesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum