Queen of Corgis

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"It's not fair,"

"What's not fair?" He asked rolling over.

"You have such beautiful hair, meanwhile I have to do everything just to even get my hair to grow."

A chuckled sounded from the back of his throat. "You have very beautiful hair. I love your hair."

"Yes, but that's because it's on me. If it was on you, you'd shave it off. It's a tiring process just to wash it, brush it, straighten it. I rarely straighten now because it takes up to five hours."

"Sounds like you need a hairstylist."

"Only if you're paying. My luck they would charge millions just to do my hair."

Another chuckle. "If that is what you want, I will gladly pay for it."

"No, I want a lot of things."

He tilted his head to look up at her better. "Like?"

"A horse. I have always always wanted a horse. And like a million puppies. Oh, and a Lilly Pulitzer closet. Ugh, yes goals!"

"That sounds like you want a lot."

"Oh no, I'm not done. I also want a chick-fil-a, Panera, and Dunkin Donuts. One hundred acres of land. A summer home on the water. A private jet to fly around the world. Uhm... what else? Oh, yes, to become the Queen of England and rule all my corgi subjects."

"Now I don't know whether you are joking or being serious."

She looked down and smiled. "Bit of both. I would totally love to be the Queen of Corgis."

He sat up and started to laugh. "Well that I can make happen, but of your own corgi... unfortunately."

"I will take what I can get, and like Daenerys, I will free the slaves, build my armies and take back Westeros!"

"You forget the dragons," he chuckled, rolling over to engulf her with his large frame.

"Who needs dragons when I have corgis?"

He lifted his head to stare at her, "For a second there, I though you were going to say me."

"Oh yes, well if you can be my Tyrion that will be nice. Dany and love doesn't mix, not that I don't love you or anything," she added the last part upon seeing his expression.

"I love you too," he murmured, nuzzling just where her shoulder met her neck.

"Enough to find the cure for greyscale?"

"Hmm?" She could see the look of confusion he wore and smile softly while her fingers went to work smoothing away the lines creased into his handsome face.

"Nothing my love," she whispered, placing a kiss to his nose. "You are all I could ever need and more."

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