How I Met Henry [VIII]

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It was late when we returned home after eating dinner, dessert, visiting my brother, and walking around the little town. Henry and I were now sitting on the couch with my family and Kal at his feet watching a movie together.

When the movie was over, my dad handed me the remote as he and my stepmom got up and said goodnight to us before going to their room for the night.

"What do you want to watch?" I asked Henry as I started to scroll through the channel guide. "Ha! Never mind, Say Yes To The Dress is on, allow me to grab these and get emotional."

I moved over to where my dad had been sitting previously so I could get comfortable and have the tissues ready in case I needed them. Kal also moved, he got up and moved over to where I was sitting and laid down where my feet should have been.

Henry also moved as well, he moved closer to me. No, actually he laid down on the couch and rested his head on my side. I smiled as I resituated myself so that I was comfortable as well and started to run my finger through his damp curls as we watched SYTTD.

"You really don't mind watching this?" I asked him.

"No, not if you want to watch it," he replied, tilting his head a little to look up at me.

"I do, I think it's a cute show and it gives me ideas for dresses. Despite having some tomboyish tendencies, I really really love dresses."

"Do you?" He adjusted himself so that he could look at me better. "I'd love to see you in a dress?"

"It's not much really," I told him. "I normally wear dresses when I'm too lazy to put clothes on too."

He shook his head and laughed, his laugh then turned into a yawn and I figured it was probably best if we went to bed.

"I suppose we should go to bed," I said as I tried to contain my yawn. "I'm not sure when my sister and her husband will be arriving."

Henry sat up, swinging his legs off the couch as I turned off the tv and reached to turn off the lamp. Kal, sensing what was going on, got up and waited for further instructions.

Once I stood up, Henry did too, blocking my way just as Kal was blocking the other. "Well," I turned to him and scrunched up my face. "I will see you in the morning. I hope you get some rest."

I turned to walk past Kal, Henry following. As I turned to go down the hall, Henry grabbed me around the waist and directed me through the kitchen toward the room I was letting him stay in.


"It's fine," he pulled me in and called for Kal before closing the door behind him.


Just as quickly as I felt myself falling asleep, it was time to wake up. I rolled onto my back, my eyes open and looking up at the ceiling. Henry was still out cold, his back toward me and a few snores escaping here and there. On my left laid Kal curled up, his tail off the bed as his head rested on my pillow. I liked this little sleeping arrangement, me in between my two new favorite men. 

Unfortunately, I thought as I sat up waking up Kal in the process, this would be the only time I'd be sleeping like this. Tonight Henry went back to Fort Lauderdale and tomorrow morning I would be going back home. I really didn't want to think about it, but as I sat there watching him sleep, it sorta bummed me out. 

I know we had just met recently and that we were still getting to know one another, but I wanted to continue getting to know him in person. I wanted to cuddle up to his massive frame at night and wake up to his heavy breathing in the morning. I wanted him, officially, and for the rest of my life. But there was one little thing, this Henry, the Henry I spent so much time with yesterday, wasn't just an ordinary man with an ordinary life. He was famous, known by millions. His life was most usually in the tabloids and his fan base, well they just didn't seem the greatest in my opinion. Least not from what I saw on how they treated his last girlfriend. 

I looked away over toward Kal who had been watching me. It was weird, the connection I had with Kal. Although he was very fond and attached to Henry, he seemed to have grown quite fond of me as well. So I smiled at the large fluffy teddy bear and I scratched his neck as he closed his eyes and let out a small sound that made me laugh. 

On my other side, I could feel the bed moving as Henry rolled onto his back, his arm falling onto my lap. With my right hand, I took his hand into mine and entwined our fingers. 

"Morning," I said without looking over at him. I could tell he was awake, his breathing was back to normal and aside from the sound of nails on wood outside my door, I could hear him scratching under his chin. 

"Morning," he replied with a gruff voice. I turned my head so that I could look at him because his voice sounded very sexy first thing in the morning. Henry smiled up at me, a smile that reached his eyes, as he pulled my hand up to his lips and kissed it. 

"How did you sleep?" I asked as I leaned over to give him a kiss on the lips as well. With his other hand, the one not holding mine, he pressed it against my face as his finger slipped into my hair and his thumb caressed my cheek. 

"Wonderfully," he replied with a huge smile as he kissed me again. 

"Good," I pulled away after yet another delicious kiss. The more we kissed, the more I wanted him. "If you're hungry, I can make you whatever you'd like." 

"Anything I'd like," he removed his hand from mine and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me down against his chest. 

"Yes," I giggled as I pressed the palms of my hands against his hairy chest. "Anything."

"Hmm," he sat up a little and raised a brow as he thought about it. "How about," His blue eyes flickered back to me. "You."

"Me?" I felt my brows raising and my forehead wrinkling. 

"Yes," he replied quietly as he leaned in so that his face was inches from mine. "You."

"I don't think I can make me," I replied with a small laugh as I bumped my nose against his. "But I can try, how do you make me again?" 

Henry chuckled and rolled so that he was almost on top of me. In response, I started to squeal and giggle making Kal roll over onto his stomach and inch closer to make sure I was alright, his tail wagging as he then decided to join in on covering me with kisses.


I keep forgetting that there were plenty of prewritten chapters for this.

How dare I deprive you beautiful souls of some more Henry 😢

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