.A Pleasant Surprise.

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Thinking of raiding tonight, you in?

Really want that Onyxia mount tbh

I already tried.
Hard one to get.

But I'm in.
Voice or nah?

Would you like to start are own chat so no one can interfere?

Go ahead and make it, I'll be there in a bit. Currently at work 😴


Verrryyyyyyy much.
Half tempted to just run now. Burrrtt can't. Sooooo I'll be here another hour 😭
Save me?

I wish.

Freedoommmmmm 🙌
Is it ready?
Are you in Azeroth awaiting my arrival?
Cause I'm finally home and it starting up while I get comfyyy afff 👌

She set her phone next to the laptop on her computer desk, entered the voice chat on discord and set to stripping out of her work clothes. While she searched through her closet, a voice boomed through her laptop speakers startling her.


"Give me a sec," she shouted from deep in her closet where she was rummaging through her dirty clothes hamper for a pair of comfortable sweatpants she threw in there days ago. "Kay, we good!"

She sank down into her chair and got comfortable only to realize her headphones where halfway across the room on her nightstand.

"How was work, other than slow?"

"I guess okay," she paused and turned back to the computer. "Since when did you have an accent? A British one at that?"

"Is this better?" He asked, chuckling softly.

"I mean... I don't really care, just curious." She sat back down, pulling her headphones on and plugging in the cord.

"I've always had one," he replied, his accent coming through again.

"Actually you sound really really familiar."

"Do I?" She could hear the amusement present in his tone and imagined him smiling behind the screen, except she imagined his character because she had no idea what he looked like or even his real name for that matter.

"You do," she clicked on her blood elf hunter that she used. "I just can't place it."

"Really?" He seemed surprised. "I am surprised you recognize my voice with a British accent but not the American."

"Normally we're also in a huge voice chat and you occasionally speak. And I seee you!"

"I see you as well," he chuckled lightly and turned his character around to see her's. "Oh you finally got Corgnelius."

"I did!" She squeezed, proud of her achievement. "Now all I need is molten, wouldn't have an extra would you?"

"Nope, sorry." He began going through his battle pets, showing them off just like she was. "So have you figured it out yet?"

"Figured what out?

"Why you recognize my voice."

"No," she tapped a key to mount up. "Was I supposed to?"

"I'll give you a hint."

"Mmm," there was a bit of hesitation while she flew up to the flight master. "Alright then, what is it."

"What's your favorite historical drama show?"

"Tough call," she scratched her head and sat back while debating between Borgia and Tudors.

"You told me it before. It was the reason you became a fan of..."

She started piecing it together, her eyes growing wide. "Give me a sec," she pressed the windows key which brought her back to her homescreen where she clicked open a browser and went straight to Youtube.

"That's cheating."

"So is giving someone a hint," she replied as she typed in his name and pulled up the first video she could find where he was speaking and she listened carefully. "Are you talking right now?"




"The Henry?" She had closed the browser and returned to World of Warcraft to find herself still flying.

"I believe I am one of them, yes."

Tears welled in her crystal blue eyes as she sat forward, elbows on the desk and one hand cover her mouth. She could hear him perfectly clear through her headphones, he was trying to refrain from laughing while tapping away at his keys.

"You still there?" He asked after some minutes had past and she still had yet to make a sound. She was in shock. Real, actual shock. Tears had fallen onto her keys because she could not move to stop them before they did.

"Are you serious?" Her voice was weaker than before, almost soft and high pitched at the same time but it was clear she was still struggling to grasp this newfound information.

"I can send proof if you don't believe me," he said seriously.

"No! No!" She sat back, wiping at her eyes, "I'm- I- I'm... I'm just shocked is all."

Their characters finally reached their destination and thanks to such a long flight, her's said afk and sat down by the flight master. She stared at her screen as he inched away and opened his map.

The moment she found out her favorite actor played World of Warcraft, she had only dreamed of ever meeting him on a realm and playing along with him and for months straight, she had been. Out of everyone in the guild, she had felt comfortable talking to him and befriending him even she knew so little about him. They had even made new toons together, leveled them up together and even had their own guild and now, she was finding out eight months later that this whole time her WoW best friend had been her favorite actor and Hollywood crush.

"Are you crying?"

"I hate my mic," she cried, still wiping at her eyes and cursing herself for not using press to talk. Then again, how did you press a key to talk in chat when it could also be used in game to do something else?

Henry chuckled lightly, "I didn't mean to make you cry."

"I don't think you realize how I feel right now." She sniffed loudly, and dried her eyes. "I'm sorry, I just needed to let it all sink in. Are you serious?"

"I wasn't sure how to tell you when you told me months ago. I just thought it was well overdue and I can trust you."


I began losing interest in writing this because it sparked an idea for another.
So expect another one very similar to this but probably way cuter because it's cuter in my head 🤗

P.S. was going to edit this but nah...
I will later. Maybe.

Henry Cavill FantasiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora