Blue Eyes

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"Mind if we make a quick stop at the store?" My mother had asked me after returning my wallet to me.

You see, I had indulged over the holiday season. When I should have been putting money towards paying off my debt, I spent it on clothes. So any time I went to work, I would try to leave my wallet at home or with my mother if I had to.

Today was one of those days where I left it at home but since we were going to the store, she had brought my wallet along with. I did not mind. We struggled as it was to make ends meet and any way I could lessen the stress on her I would. Besides, I was old enough to buy my own things.

We arrived at the store, which had recently become a popular location for the entire town. People were beginning to realize you could get a lot of nice things from this store, and for a decent price.

As soon as we entered I went off on my own. Small store, easy to find my mother when I was done. But I had an agenda, find snacks and food to last me and perhaps a toy for my loyal companion.

I wondered the aisles, clueless as to what appealed to me. I wasn't a fan of generic but I couldn't go without eating so I continued in search.

When I found nothing still, I found my mother by the frozen section. This reminded me that this particular store had my favorite greek yogurt, banana cream. I made sure to grab enough while leaving some behind for the other souls who appreciated it as much as I. And then I decided to search for the dog section.

At one point it had been on the other side of the last food aisle, but I know with their recent remodeling they had moved it. I couldn't remember where and I had gotten two aisles down before I sighed, turned around and gave up. I knew that if I continued one more aisle I would find it but I had talked myself out of buying my girl another chemical infused plastic toy and decided to return to the food.

It was here where it started.

I went along, peering down the aisle in search of one that would give me what I needed, or so I hoped. But as I glanced down one I instantly locked eyes with a man.

What I am about to tell you may sound bizarre, or perhaps fiction, but what I saw is what I saw. His eyes. That was all. I could not see his face to truly see what he looked like. I did not notice how tall he was or if he was built. All I saw was two blue eyes and the blur of his black hat and shirt before he quickly rushed away.

I had found it odd, which struck me as odd too. Never did I give two figs as to why a stranger would glance down an aisle, look at me and suddenly dash off like they were avoiding me. I suppose that's why it seemed odd.

You see, I am used to guys purposely stalking me and going down aisles just to be near me and gawk at me. This man, with his gorgeous blue eyes, avoided me. But I had brushed it off as there was nothing down this aisle that he wanted, and that did puzzle me because now I was curious as to what he was looking for.

Again, odd, because never did I care for what a stranger was looking for. Outside of work, I despised socializing and would avoid human contact as much as possible, but this man, this man struck so many unusual thoughts into my head that it confused me on the spot.

"Find anything?" Fortunately my mother came and that is when I turned to the opposite aisle that once housed the candy and remembered my favorite chocolates.

"Chocolate, I wonder if they got mine in."

"What?" I guess I was a quiet person. No one ever heard me even though I always thought I sounded like I was shouting.

"I want chocolate," I told my mother loudly as I made a mad dash to the chocolate aisle with the stranger in the back of my mind.

Where did he go? Did he find what he was looking for?

I did end up forgetting about him and the strange occurrence down the aisle.

We finished our shopping and got into line. I went first since I had fewer items than my mother and when she came up and was ready to cash out, I jokingly asked, "How much stuff did you get?"

"What?" She was searching through her wallet for her card when I asked and looked up at the items she had. "Is it a lot? I should have no more than twenty. Didn't think I got so many."

I laughed, but the cashier had been sweet and a face we saw often, "I can check if you want," and he did start counting.

At this point I couldn't help but melt, it was so sweet and they were so busy. I ended up looking away over at the next line, just out of curiosity, and aside from the line being mostly male, I saw blue staring back at me.

Stalker, I thought. How unusual. But that would explain the 'look back' feeling... except... I didn't get that feeling. I just... what is with all the thoughts? No one has ever made me think so much about them this way, nor did random thoughts just pop into my head.

I should have stared longer, I should have focused on his face. But I knew, I knew he was staring directly at me. I couldn't bring myself to look back again. I could only go on pretending as if nothing happened, as if I just happened to glance up... but our eyes... they met again. Blue... blue was all I saw.

We finished up and left, I didn't look back. In fact I avoided looking his general direction even when my mother stayed behind to open the door for someone who opened the door for me. My hands were full with my dress bunched up in one and groceries in the other.

I continued thinking about that stranger while my mother made dinner and then I decided to tell her about him.

She had seen him, "I was wondering why he was staring." So he was staring.

"All I saw was blue and that he wore a black baseball cap and long sleeve."

"Same!" She exclaimed. But something seemed off about the way my mother spoke. Her actions were different. She was not behaving like she did that day when she took interest in a man from the store who appeared interested back.

This is what started to throw me off but I ignored it and decided to switch the topic. Well dropped it, since I switched it to Henry Cavill who I was now casually stalking on Instagram.

"Henry is so hot," I said out loud. I even turned my phone to show her a picture of him.

"Who is that?" She asked me.

"I just said Henry Cavill..." way to pay attention mom.

"He looks just like that guy."

I turned the phone back to me to stare at the picture, "Impossible mom, he's in Jersey right now."

"I don't know but he looks exactly like him and is even wearing the same outfit."

But I refused to believe it. I had a friend from England. The flight always took him half the day. There was no way Henry Cavill would have had the time. Not with it being Saturday and Sunday being the day of he race.

But it made no sense either way. If it was him, why here? How? And what were the odds?


Lol, so this was seriously based off what happened to me. I'm confident it wasn't Henry Cavill since he did post an hour later after this took place confirming he was in Jersey, but seriously a girl could hope.

Never in my life have I only ever noticed just someone's eyes. This crap still bothers me. Feeling a little like prince charming when looking for Cinderella. And the fact my mother said he looked like Henry Cavill 😭

Hello, I need to find you Henry Cavill look-a-like with those piercing blue eyes.

But uhm, yeah. Figured this would give you all some hope 😉

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