Fire & Ice: Papa Bear

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Because of my lack of updating for the past week, I figured I'd share a bit of a book I've been writing for years. Clifford is a pretty old character and the book is about him but Wolf and Connor are fairly new. I've mentioned them before, especially because Wolf and Connor are my OTP; sorry Cliff and also because Connor was inspired by Henry Cavill. This piece is actually the first one I wrote with Connor and it made me ship Connor and Wolf more than Wolf and Clifford 😂
Oooh and Clifford was inspired by Kellan Lutz 💕

"Do you come here often?"

Flipping her hair to one side, a hint of jasmine and lavender filling his nostrils, the young woman peered up at him with sparkling bright blue eye. Her full lips curved into the most beautiful smile Clifford could swear he's ever seen as recognition lit up her perfectly round face.

"Quite," she replied softly while sticking the small black straw between her lips and sucking up the last of the yellowish liquid within the glass in her hand.

"What are you drinking?" He inquired, his right brow arched high above his crystal blue eye.

"Screwdriver," she managed through a mouth now full of ice. A small chuckled escaped the back of Clifford's throat as she crunched away at the ice while looking around the bar and kicking her legs back and forth. When she had finished with the last of the ice, she turned her attention toward the man behind the bar and held up two fingers.

The large, grizzly bear like man tore his eyes from Clifford to look at her and nodded his head before setting down the glass in his hand and turning away to fix whatever it was she had requested from him.

Shaking off the feeling the bartender gave him, Clifford turned back to the beautiful woman beside him and smiled. "So why are you here?" he asked her, his curiosity getting the better of him. "Didn't peg you as the kinda girl to be in theses sorta places."

"I'm not," she leaned in closer, the scent of jasmine and lavender growing stronger as her thick black hair brushed his arm. He was growing used to this sweet scent of her's. In fact, he was starting to fall in love with it.

"Everythin' alright?" interrupted the bartender as he slid two glasses toward the woman beside Clifford. The bartender's icy blue eyes bore into him as he leaned against the bar. In turn, Clifford raised a brow.

"Sure is," replied the woman beside Clifford, reminding him that she was still there. Not caring much for the man behind the bar that was staring him down, Clifford turned back to the dark-haired beauty and smiled as she chugged away at the second glass in her hand.

"Would you like to dance?" he heard himself saying to her without even stopping to think about it.

A dark brow rose as she struggled to take a sip of her third drink. "Hmm?" she said into the glass. Clifford watched as both brows rose as she slowly realized what he had said. "Oh!" she exclaimed setting down the glass. "Sure!"

Just as she set the glass down on the bar and moved to hop down from her stool, the bartender reached out his hand and grabbed her arm. "Wolf," he said, a hint of warning visible in his tone.

Wolf quickly sobered up and turned to the man and smiled. "I'm fine, Connor," she said to him as she placed her own hand over his and rubbed it gently. Something inside Clifford stirred. Jealousy maybe? "Besides, he's a friend." she added which only made the beast in Clifford awaken even more. Just a friend? What did that mean?

"Even friends can hurt you," Connor warned, his blue eyes changed colors as he looked from Wolf to Clifford. "He's not what he seems, ya know?"

"I do," she replied with a sweet smile that had forced Clifford to close his mouth and look at her. "Don't worry about me... or him," she looked up at Clifford. "Raven trusts him, so we should too."

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