How I Met Henry [IV]

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Henry drove up and parked his car just next to my stepmother's garden. I had closed the gates behind me and made sure to secure the latch before turning on my heel and walking up the long driveway. 

Before I could even reach the car, a large blur of black and white came hurling toward me. At first, I was concerned about the fact that he was charging at me with such speed but then he slowed down and ended up circling me, his large black nose sniffing curiously at my legs. 

"Hello Kal," I said, holding out my hand for him to sniff. He responded by nudging his nose into my hand and then licking it. Kneeling down, I began showering the Akita in some much-deserved affection. Kal, satisfied with the amount of love he received from me, then hurried off to explore the acre of land that was free for him to roam safely. 

I stood up and turned toward the man who was waiting. His large frame was leaning against the back of his car, arms crossed and a smile on his handsome, perfectly sculpted face. "Well hello," he said as I approached him. 

"Hello," I replied back, my lips forming a smile of their very own. "I see you turned down the right street." 


"Didn't know you could drive in America."

"Really?" He peered at me with a quizzical expression. "Bit like driving back home, except, on the wrong side of the road."

"Noo, I'm pretty sure we drive on the right side." I countered.

Henry chuckled lightly. His blue eyes, much lighter than when I first saw them back at the airport, sparkled in the sunlight as they searched the yard for a very active Kal. I could not, for the life of me, bring myself to look away until a blur of black and white near the house caught my attention. 

"No Kal," I called. "Not the house!" 

Kal turned to look at me, his dark orbs trying to make out just how long it would take me to get to him before he could finish peeing. I could see his little doggy brows moving and then he turned his head toward Henry. After what seemed like a seriously strong debate, Kal took off for the fence where Gizmo was notorious for peeing on. 

I turned back to Henry who wore an amused expression. "So," I awkwardly swung my arms back and forth. "Wanna come in and get settled?"

"I would like that very much," he replied. "But," 

"But what?" 

"Can I have a hug?"

My mouth fell open to utter a response but only a small sound managed to come out, so I closed my mouth and stared at him. Under his intense gaze, I suddenly started to feel warmer than usual. No longer able to stare up into his brilliant blue eyes, I turned my head and began to watch as Kal sniffed at a patch of grass before lifting his leg to just release air. 

A dark shadow cast itself over me, it was when I looked around and realized I was the only thing in the shadow that I realize it had been because Henry was standing behind me. I turned, mentally preparing myself to peer up into his blue eyes again. Before I even had a chance to look up, I felt his massive arms wrapping around my torso and pulling me toward his broad chest. I smiled, my head resting against his chest as I inhaled the spicy scent of his cologne. I wrapped my arms around his waist and closed my eyes so that I could mentally engrave this moment into my mind. 

It was the wet nose of Kal against my leg that brought me down from my cloud nine and forced me to open my eyes. I lifted my head off Henry's chest and turned to look down just to find the Akita staring back up at me with big dark brown eyes and his tail going a mile a minute. 

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