The Encounter [III]

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With little time to get dressed, Natalia slipped into a pair of jeans and pulled on a sweater over her long sleeve thermal. She had replied to Henry's message and without putting much thought into it, she had sent the address shortly after she found it on a piece of mail laying on the kitchen counter.

Another whistle sounded from across the house. Struggling to pull on her brown boot, Natalia hopped across the house in search for her phone. One boot on, and the phone now found, she saw the message was from Henry informing her that he was just outside, waiting.

"Shit," she was still missing a boot, had not even brushed her hair, and what about her breath? Cupping one hand over her mouth, she huffed quickly and inhaled. "UGH!"

Maybe she could just let him in while she finished, surely there was really no need to rush, right? But then again, how much free time did he really have? Surely he was free to go out for a quick lunch and then had to be back at work as soon as possible.

She stopped herself to take a deep breath and then brought her phone up so she could finally reply.

"Not exactly ready," she said aloud as she typed away. "Still missing a boot," she paused and looked around. What else was she to add? "Oh! Right, duh. Would you like to come in while I finish?"

She sent the text and started to look around for her hairbrush. The least she could do while she waited for his response was brush her hair. But as she was in search for the brush, a knock came from the front door.

Groaning to herself, mainly because she was never going to get anything done, Natalia hurried across the house and whipped open the door after hurrying to unlock it.

"Look," she said while panting heavily, "I get you're superman and all, but it takes me forever to get ready and my God," she had to stop talking just to take a deep breath. "I am really out of shape."

In response, Henry chuckled and pulled her into his arms. Natalia stood there stunned to find herself in the arms of Henry Cavill. He smelt nice, and was most definitely warm. Very warm.

"It's okay," he said as he took a step back after the hug. "Take your time getting ready..." and then his eyes lowered to her feet. "And I'll look for the other boot."

"Oh right," Natalia laughed and smacked her head. "I was wondering why my foot was cold." She took a step back from the door. "Well come on in, I'll show you were I'm staying. It should be somewhere in there."

"Found it," Henry leaned against the bathroom door frame with her boot in one hand. "Under the bed."

"Typical," she mumbled as she reached out for the boot. "Thanks, by the way."

"You look beautiful, did I happen to mentioned that when you answered the door?"

"No," she replied as her foot dropped with a thud to the floor. "But I think you were too distracted by my missing boot."

"Right," he grinned, his imperfect teeth visible. "Well you are."

"Thank you," she replied back with a smile just as big as his. It was contagious, she couldn't help herself. "And also thank you for finding my boot."

"You already thanked me for the boot." His arms were crossed over his large chest.

"Did I?" She tilted her head to the side to think about it while she turned off the bathroom light. "Guess I forgot."

Putting it aside, because no matter how hard she tried she still wouldn't remember, Natalia walked past Henry, down the hall and into Diana's bedroom where she sat down her things and then turned to look around.

"So, I guess that's about it." She said when she finally turned to Henry. "Hair brushed, boot found, teeth clean... Oh my phone."

"This?" Henry held up the white rectangular Samsung Galaxy.

"That's the one," she replied. "How did you...?"

"You left it on the counter out there." He said as he walked forward to hand it to her. "I figured you'd forget it."

"Catching on, are ya?"

"Maybe," he said with a thoughtful expression.

"Thank you, for like the hundredth time today." She said with a small laugh.

Natalia looked away from his intense gaze that was now fixed on her. She then turned to grab her purse so that sbe could stuff her phone in it and avoid saying anything else.

The only other words spoken after that were "Ready?" "Ready." And both of them left the house without another word.

In the car, neither had spoken and things were starting to feel a little awkward for Natalia. Did they really run out of things to talk about? Was Henry already bored with her?

"I saw Diana just as I was leaving." Henry said after what felt like an eternity of silence.

"Oh lord," she replied. "She has no clue that I'm out with you. Think she is still mad I refused to tag along on her journey of stalking you."

"You should join her next time," he said with a playful smile.

"And miss out on being alone with you? Never," she smiled back. "Speaking of being alone with you, where are yoh taking me?"

His smile grew as he leaned closer toward her and lowered his voice, "Somewhere for just the two of us." He replied as he turned into a road that led down and directly toward a gate.

Natalia suddenly realized that the gate in front of them lead directly into the parking garage for the building seemed to be their final destination.

"I hope you don't mind that it's not exactly five stars and the restaurant allows dogs."

"If you're referring to that adorable teddy bear of yours, then I do not mind at all." She replied with a large smile. "Just as long as at the end of the night I get a big sloppy kiss."

"That can be arranged."

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