Gift Wrapped

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Highly considering this as a story. Currently working it out. While in the process of doing so I ended up writing this & felt y'all might like it. I will only publish the book once it's completely written.

Henry Cavill approaches the back counter to find it empty. Looking around, he fails to see a single person in sight. Out the corner of his eye, he notices a sign indicating a button. Just as soon as he is about to push it, an elderly woman with curly short hair appears with a till in her hand, asking if he needs any help. Henry replies that he is looking to get his purchase wrapped. The woman explains that it will be a moment, disappears through a doorway, and then comes back with a woman following behind. Henry notices that just before she gives him her full attention, the young woman does not look pleased about being disturbed. However, just as soon as she approaches him, her expression changes and he finds himself rather intrigued. She's acting.

The woman does not look at him directly, only briefly. From her behavior, he can gather she has anxiety - social anxiety? He's aware of what it's like being in her position. She's forcing herself to maintain a role at the stake of a job. She's uncomfortable around him, he can tell. So while her back is turned and she is preparing the item for wrapping, he tries to liven the mood.

He jokingly makes a comment, regarding disturbing her, apologizing about the whole ordeal and explains had the lady at the front not said anything, he would have resulted to a bag and paper.

She laughs a little, simply explaining that it's apart of her job, he's not disturbing her. Just then, the elderly woman comes back with another till and as she walks by, the young woman quickly mumbles, "Can you check if the computer is still up?" And that's when Henry begins to put two and two together. Understanding completely, he then apologizes for real. The woman stops for a moment, shaking her head as she rips his choice of wrapping paper off the wall and explains again, it's apart of her job. As she is laying the paper on the back counter, the elderly woman comes out mentioning the computer is up. She walks away and the phone begins to ring. The young girl groans, but stops after the second ring to reach for the phone. As she answers, the elderly woman calls out, "You got it?" To which the young woman is already telling the person on the line to hold. By then the older woman is making her way. The young woman says a name, both of them sharing a look. Henry finds the exchange rather amusing.

"You can multitask." He jokes, not intending any harm.

"I have to multitask." Replied the brunette as she struggles with an old tape dispenser.

"I bet they appreciate you around here." He says.

She stops fighting the tape to laugh and look back at him. Again, it was brief. The young woman finished up wrapping, after a struggle. Brings the present over, and then steps back, asking what color bow he'd like.

She is then watching him as he glances down at the paper and then the bow selection. That is when she notices something familiar about this man. Her heart stops for a moment, and then it begins to race. She can physically feel herself start to shake as the temperature suddenly goes from freezing to sahara desert. Of all the people, and she has seen some, she did not expect this.

He lifts his gaze to her's, his decision now final. He was about to say, "You choose," when he recognized the look of surprise on her face. "I almost got away with it." He teased. She did not speak. He could tell from her wide eyes, she wasn't going to. "How about you pick the bow." He then said, trying to defuse the situation. She was star struck, clearly.

It was an opportunity to look away and calm herself. She dropped her gaze to the cream and white paper, pondered for a moment while reminding herself to just breath, and then she turned. Gold was always her choice of color for this paper. But she couldn't think about that. She was more focused on the fact that her dream was actually coming true. Henry Cavill, the Henry Cavill, was standing next to her. She had just wrapped a present for her. Panic stricken, she instinctively went to reach for the blue bow. It didn't make sense, nothing about the gift was blue. That's when she stammered, "W-What color is - Gah, words - I mean, what is this person's favorite color?"

Amused, Henry chuckled before admitting he wasn't entirely sure. Watching her ring her hands and gaze fixed only on the bows, Henry offered a solution. "How about you two colors and we shall see which one goes."

"Gold goes the best," she admitted, pointing at the gold. "But so does pink. What type of person is she?"

"You put a lot of effort into the color of a bow, I see why they have you back here." He joked. "You must have many regulars."

"Many, yes, not because of my bow picking." She was calming down, he noticed. "Some people rather have others save them the time of wrapping. Plus it's free."

"How about we go with the gold," Henry said. She brought him the gold bow, asking if he wanted to wait to put it on or now. He chose now, only so that he could stall a little longer. "I like your necklace." He then commented, noticing the tiny silver paw dangling around her neck.

Instinctively her hand clasped the tiny paw. She lifted her gaze to his chest, smiling softly and whispering, "Thanks." To that she then added, "I got it from a website. Can't leave home without it."

She had already sparked his curiosity, now he was wanting to know more. However, the older woman had come back around a fourth time, and someone had muttered "Is someone going to do the fifteen?" over the radio attached to her hip. She had sighed irritably at that, clutching the device in her hand to turn it down a few notches. He had a funny feeling she was responsible for doing the fifteen.
"Would you happen to have a pen that I may borrow?" He then asked, looking around for a pen in.

He could tell from her swift movement that she did this often, and even had a favorite pen. This judgment was based off the way her eyes scanned the pen holder, finger hovering above just before selecting the right one. "Did you need a card?" She then asked, bending over to pull out a display filled with tiny greeting cards.

Henry scanned the cards, glancing up at her to ask if that really was his choice of selection. She grimaced, admiting that it truly was.

"Some have started taking them and using the blank side. It's free." She admitted.

Henry, liking that idea, chose a card and flipped it over. He bent forward, elbows on the hard wooden surface of the counter.

She had turned away from Henry to clean up the back counter when he stood up, finished writing on the tiny little card. "I will leave this with you." He said, collecting the wrapped gift and turning to leave. "It was a pleasure to meet you Josselyn."

"You as well," she replied, turning back around to pick up the pen. "Hang on, your card!"

Henry stopped to turn around, a smile etched on his face, "I have it." He patted the bag. "That must have been an extra."

He waved one last time before turning to continue leaving. She glanced down at the card, picking it up off the counter to return with the others until she felt something unusual. Flipping the card over, she realized a message had been scribbled on it.

Apologies for the errors. It wouldn't let me edit it here without messing everything up so I left it as is.

Please leave feedback. Like I said before, I intend for this to become an actual book itself. It will be more like an updated HIMH story. That's the plan so far.

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