4.2 The girl with blue eyes

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            ***Kaye's POV***

          Time was too slow.  When you're anticipating for something, every second feels longer than it's suppose to. A second feels like hours. Hours feel like days.  But then again, when you know something is worth waiting, you wait.

"Jade, are you leaving?" My grandfather asked when I came in.

"Downtown. I'll be back soon.  Do you need something? Eric is also downstairs." I asked as I walked closer.

           Eric is my cousin.  He is 18 years old and addicted to computer games. He plays  much better than me even in his sleep.

           Grandad just smiled and went back to reading the daily newspaper. I stood by the window and stared at my grandfather. I can't help but wonder, will my story be as beautiful as theirs? Will tonight be that moment for me or I'm reading it a little too soon?

           I arrived at the meeting place an hour earlier. I just sat there waiting patiently and staring at whoever enters the door.  I was too scared to think of the possibilities that she might not walk through it.

           It's 6:30 and no sign of Ocean or anyone trying to look for me. Maybe she got stuck in traffic. Who's gonna believe that? I live in a small town, population of almost 3000 people, and zero cares about who i'm waiting for at the moment.

           Two hours passed and still no sign of her. I started to drink and felt miserable about the world or the bottle itself for giving me false hope. I mean, why reply to me and ask for help if it's supposed to be just a random thing. I believe in a lot of things but I don't believe in coincidences.

            I stared at the waitress who kept passing by for the passed few hours but didn't really notice me.  She had long, brunette,wavy hair. Beautiful blue eyes but she doesn't seem to know that. I'm 5'9, I'm guessing she is 5'5, pale ivory skin. I stared a little too long on her name tag. Shan. I don't think I have met anyone by that name. And her face, she looks familiar.

            Because I'm bored, drunk, and disappointed, I kept staring at everything and everyone. The one I stared the most was walking directly to me with the drink I ordered.   I pretended to be busy alone and drinking, something that isn't so hard to do because it is...sadly true.

" Hey, here's your drink." She said and handed it to me.

          I took the drink without glancing at her. How can I possible look at her without feeling so damn miserable about myself?  On normal occasions, Shan would have been someone I'd talk to but I can't stop thinking about Ocean.

" Are you okay?" She asked.

            Do I look okay? I stood up trying to walk away, not from her but away from HERE.   But because of the number of drinks I can't remember drinking, I spilled the one I was holding on her shirt. Could this day get any worse?

       I was so pissed at everything. I don't know what came over me when I suddenly grabbed her hand and brought her outside. My day turned out to be really bad and I don't want to mess hers as well for spilling my drinks on the only shirt she has with her.

      Even though it's cold....too cold..something I would not have done to any body, especially on my sober days. I took off my jacket and placed it on her shoulder. I couldn't take off my own shirt for her, so the jacket is the only option I got.

       Stupid choice because it's freezing!!! And I just remembered.... I easily get cold. But since I owe her, I gotta pay.

        I stared at her... A little too close. She has the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. If I could imagine what Ocean would look like, I could definitely see her in Shan. Why? I don't know. Just a feeling. Or it's the alcohol.

        But as I was moving my face closer to stare at her beautiful eyes, she suddenly closed them. Every part of my body wants me to be closer to this girl in front of me. I'm holding both her hands, staring at her and she is closing her eyes like she wants me to.

         Ocean.... No... I should go. I let go of her and walked as fast as I could to the cab waiting.  As I was sitting inside, I couldn't even look back. What's wrong with my vacation here? How I could I possibly be so interested in a name written on a note that's placed inside this simple yet quizzical bottle of mine? But at the same time, I keep remembering the girl with the blue eyes..

          Would I fall for the name I just knew but instantly had a connection or for those blue eyes that seemed so familiar yet I know nothing about the person who owns them. 

           When I arrived home, my grandad was sitting on the porch, probably waiting for me.

"Oh, Jade. You're back. "  He asked without taking his eyes off the sky.

"We should get you to bed, it's late."  I answered.

           We talked up to his room and helped him to bed. I arranged his blanket and he asked me to turn on the nightlight.

       But he hurriedly walked towards me, almost practically running and hugged me so tight like he didn't expect me to come back.

"I'm here. Sorry, I'm late." I said as I patted his back slowly.

            I took the blanket and covered him so he wouldn't get cold.  He did wait for me outside. I did say I was going to be back soon. I guess I got caught up in a my dramatic moment, I didn't even think of him.

"The nightlight. Don't forget the nightlight. Your grams doesn't like it if it's dark. " He reminded.

          I sighed and turned on the nightlight. My grandad hates the nightlight but because he loved her, he never told her how inconvenient it was for him to sleep with the nightlight.  He pretended to like something that he hated for so many years. Now that there's no reason to like it, he couldn't let it go.

" Why do you still turn it on? Grams is.. She's gone. You have to accept that. You can turn it off now."
         I said and wiped the tears streaming down my face.

       I sat down right next to him and hugged him. He held me tight and said.

"When it's sunny, do you stop loving the rain?  When it's raining, don't you miss the sun?  Jade, we're not suppose to stop loving someone just because they're gone or you think they're gone.  What can't be seen by your eyes, can always be felt by your heart.  When you truly believe in someone, you don't need eyes to know that they are there.  They were never gone, you just can't see them yet. You can close your eyes but not your heart." He said with his eyes closed but he is smiling.

         I wiped my tears and hugged him tighter. I guess I was wrong. I always believed in what I can or can't see but it's hard for me to just believe in something that I can feel but can't see. Does it make sense? I believe in magic, and everything that might not be normal. No matter how crazy they are, I believe them. Because at the end of the day, believing in fairy tales didn't get my heart broken. It's believing in someone.

       Believing that someone could love me the same way or even more, gets my heart broken.


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