17. The strings on my guitar

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       ***Ocean's POV***

          It all happened fast. I was taking the mistletoe out, then he held me by the waist. Next thing I know, we're both on the floor and he is kissing me, I'm kissing him. He moved his face even closer and put both of his hands on my cheeks. I felt his hands getting warmer, maybe by his emotions or because my cheeks are burning.

          I was playing with his hair the whole time. I have always wondered what I would feel like kissing him. When our lips parted slightly, my eyes were still closed. Suddenly, I don't know why I felt bad. Not because I didn't like it, but because I loved it. I loved it a lot.

           When I opened my eyes, I couldn't help but stared at him with teary eyes. I moved backwards to sit down. He sat a few steps away. We both didn't know what to say or how to say it.

"I'm sorry.."   He said at a low tone.

        His hands were resting on his knees and he's staring at the floor. I wanted to say it's okay. I wanted to tell him that I wanted him to do it. When I open my eyes and I see him, I want all of that. I have always wanted that.

        But when I close my eyes, my heart is calling a different name. My heart wants Kaye. Both of this is like a fairytale with no exact ending. Because in my reality, this doesn't happen. In my reality, I'm supposed to be with Jamie.

         When you've been hurt so many times, doubt becomes your companion. And so I doubt everything and everyone else, especially myself.

"It's okay. I think I should go. My stepmom would probably freak if I stay longer. I don't want to be a burden." I suggested.

          I stood up and fixed my shirt. He stood up and walked towards me, but with caution. He is walking towards me like I'm the predator and he is the prey. But maybe I am. Maybe I did lure him into this trap. Now that I've lured him, my trap caught me along with him. So now I'm trapped, in my feelings.

"Please tell your Aunt I'm sorry. Raincheck?" I said, trying to sound like everything's cool.

          He just nodded and gave me a half smile. I went back to his room to get my things. When I closed the door, I sat on his bed and covered my face with my hands. I remember the look on his face. I hurt him. I have always hated the people who made me believe in something and ended up as a false hope. Now, I'm doing the exact thing to him. Maybe, I'm hurting him and it wasn't my intention to.

         I picked up my backpack and stood up. Before I turned the doorknob to open it, I breathe heavily for a few times. I walked out as fast as I could. When I saw him, he was still standing on the exact spot holding the mistletoe upwards and staring at it, with the expression on his face that I can't even begin to describe.

          He was surprised when I suddenly put my backpack on the floor and ran to kiss him. He held me tightly by the waist. I don't care if I get hurt tomorrow or my heart is choosing someone else. For now, at this very moment, I want to do something without thinking. Before I walk out the door and go back to the way things were, I just want his kiss.

          When I let go, he leaned his forehead on mine.

"I wanted to tell you something."

        I opened my eyes.

"What is it?" I whispered.

          I didn't realize we were both standing in the hallway and we were both surprised when the door was suddenly slammed hard. When I looked up, I saw this tall, slender guy, long blonde hair, blue eyes, with his guitar on his back.

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