29. Carved on a weeping willow tree

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              ***Kaye's POV***

           I sat on the porch of our front yard until I felt the sun lifted itself. I stared up and enjoyed the morning breeze along with it. I pulled my coat and held it tighter as I shivered.

           The blaze of the sun started right where it should be. I wish I could do the same for my life. Have I started where I'm supposed to be or destiny just ended it for me? I slowly stood up and bid my farewell to the sun as my eyes are about to set on their own for I haven't slept yet since that heartbreaking moment that I had last night.

             When I entered my room, I took off my jacket and threw myself on the bed, faced down and closed my eyes. Sleep was calling me, taunting me, holding my hand and taking me away from reality. I felt myself slipping away.  And someone familiar shouted my name. Was it a dream?


          It felt so close that I swear my mom is standing next to my bed. When realization hit me, my eyes opened and I stood up almost instantly.

          I scanned everything in my room including her. She stood there, arms crossed, eyebrows furrowed and staring intently into my eyes. I swallowed hard and moved closer her. She raised her right hand and pinched my ear. I thought my ear was going to fall off from the pain.

" Ouch ouch ouch...." I almost screamed

          I sat on my bed, holding my other ear, trying to protect it in case she goes for the other one.

"Why haven't you packed yet? " She asked. One of the things about her, she gets straight to the point.

"Packed?" I pretended.

"Your things! Your aunt already told you right?" She scolded

"I knew you'd come for me. And besides, You can pack better than me."

          I lied.

"You're delaying it. Not that you don't procrastinate things but ...." she saw right through me..As always.

"But? Mom, I'm just......."

           I stopped. Thinking of the right word to say  because apparently, she is right. I do like to procrastinate, I do make people wait for me sometimes but then, now, it's different. People change. For me, it's not about why or how I'm changing. But it's to whom I'm doing it for. And because it's for her, a tiny bit of an undivided attention from her goes a long, long way into my deep, selfish and immature heart and that causes me to change from who I was before her and the who I am now because of her.

"Delaying it." I concluded

           I can see it in her face that she is mad at me. So mad that she could probably pack my things in five minutes and she'd be back to the Philippines with me on a leash.

"Mom, I know I've been a difficult kid for you to raise. I have always been playful, distracted, stubborn..."  even I have a hard time thinking of ways to describe me

           She sighed and sat next to me.

"You are. But never about music. You cared about it so much more than anything or anyone. " she said...calmly this time.

"That's why I have to stay. At least for a few days more." I tried arguing

"For a girl you barely know?" She asked

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