32. Choices

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       ***Ocean's POV***

          When I came back to the bar, Charlie seemed really tired. Jamie was helping her out, Benny was panicking. I'm sure it's about his motorcyle, he is not exactly worried about me falling on it but mainly about his "baby".

"Where's my baby? You didn't hit anything along the way?" He ran towards me the moment he saw me

          I handed him the keys back. He ran outside as fast as he could. He has a thing with his motorcycle. Boys and their toys. Charlie saw me.

         Is everything written on my face because her expression changed from angry to worried the moment she saw me.

"Where were you? .." she asked

" Nothing important. Sorry. I'll get back to work."

       I moved passed her but she didn't say anything anymore. And I'm glad she didn't. How could I possibly tell her that my stepmom just sold me for cash? That would be a topic that's going to top everything else.

          I went to the bar. As I was cleaning the glasses, I eyed the beer on the table. I moved my fingers to pick it up. I was planning on drinking it with just one shot, might do me good better than the one who left it there.

           When I was about to get it, someone was faster than me. Jamie took it and drank everything as I was watching him furiously, like a baby who has just lost her candy.

"This is mine, you know. And since when did you start drinking while working? " he said

         I tried to get the other bottle but he held me by the wrist.

" What are you doing?" I demanded as I tried to wrestle for that drink

"What are you doing? You plan on drinking everything?" He accused

" What about you? You plan on drinking everything I think of drinking?" I said as he took the other one and drank it as well.

"Yeah. Do you have a problem with that? Such a beautiful lady like you, a sight for sore eyes. Not a great combination to liquor though. Let the men handle it." He said, as he kept spinning that, now empty bottle.

"Men... Lady. " I repeated

          I gave him the cloth I used to clean the glasses and walked away.

"What are you doing?" He asked and stood up from the stool

" Letting the man handle it." I said as I was walking away

            I helped serve the drinks, cleaned and did everything I always do until it's time to leave. Charlie was on the phone, arguing with the person she's dating and might be an ex in a few minutes based on where their heated argument is going.

             I picked up my bag and stepped out of the back door, hoping to avoid the others. I have been controlling myself too much, hoping the others didn't notice that I'm seeing double already because of the liquor.  But I clearly have forgotten someone. Jamie was sitting on a gutter, and obviously waiting for me. His motorcycle is just a few feet away. He is holding his helmet and the other spare is on his lap.

             He stood up when he saw me and handed me the other helmet. When I didn't take it, he moved closer and placed it on my head himself.

"You can't say no. Let's go." He said firmly

          He turned around and started to walk towards his motorcycle.

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