36. When lies become you

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        ***Ocean's POV***

         The day after my impulsive agreement to his album tour.  I kicked myself a few times when I realized I said yes. Thank God it wasn't a marriage proposal. I would've hit myself more until I drop on the floor literally and pretend to never wake up.

          When I was daydreaming or probably thinking of a way out, someone hit me with a newspaper on the head. Reality bites.

"Why'd you say yes?  What could possibly make you say yes?" Ace asked the moment he arrived without me noticing his presence

" it wasn't a marriage proposal Ace. You're being dramatic." I contradicted

       He hit me again on my arm with the newspaper, a little harder this time.

" A newspaper?"

"you're damn lucky I'm holding just a newspaper. If that was a marriage proposal, I'd tie you up on a boat and let it float to Asia."
He reprimanded. Not that I blaim him.

           That wasn't so bad. If there was even a slight possibility that I'd end up where Kaye is right now, I'd probably tie myself on the boat personally. But then again, tying myself on a boat doesn't guarantee me anything, the same with me here waiting in vain.

"I'd find you a boat."  I recommended

         He sighed and shook his head but decided to turn around and leave. Saying yes means I can't just take it back. It would hurt me more than it would hurt him.

        The disadvantage of me being the only employee is that I'd have more work on my plate but the best advantage, I get to work in silence and I like it that way. But working in the past with Kaye, it was different. I was different.

        I was changing the song on my playlist using the phone but I was startled when it suddenly rang so loud that it echoed everywhere in the store. But that wasn't the worst part,  I accidenly dropped it on the bucket below, on the bucket filled with water. It happened so fast that I didn't even see who called or to even react. I just stared at it for a few seconds hoping and praying that it was just a part of my hallucination, but its still on the bucket and probably, broken.

         I picked it up and watched as the water was dripping from it. It took me a few minutes to start moving. I searched for a cloth and wiped it. Still dead. I wiped the battery and everything but still nothing worked. I stared at my broken phone and blamed my slow reflexes. I just lost everything. My contacts, my photos, my videos, even the only photos I had with Kaye, is now gone. Now, his image, only remains in my memory.

          If, by an unlucky circumstance, I'd lose my memory too, then I'd have nothing left except for his music. So, I remembered the USB I hid on my music box which I haven't seen in a while.

"Did you clean your phone as well? Damn. "

          I turned around and my stepbrother was standing there. He held up his hand, pointing at my dead phone to hand it over. I gave it to him and he checked it for a while. He looked at me and smiled. Why?

         He dropped it on the floor and smashed it with his shoes.

" You've always wanted a new one.  So now you have a reason to spend money." He said with that smug look on his face.

          I picked up my "100%" dead phone with the cracked screen this time. Surely, resurrection is impossible in its condition. When you've drowned and hit by the train at the same time, I don't think anyone or anything survived to live another day.

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