26. Under the moonlight

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                   ***Kaye's POV***

            I was hugging her, that's supposed to be a romantic moment. The one you love is in your arms in a dim room, smelling her hair, caressing her skin as I keep staring deep into her beautiful, blue eyes.

         But....   Charlie!!! Why can't you pick a movie that's more suitable for this mood rather than me staring at Samara on the screen with her hair all over her face and she is crawling on the floor?

Kaye: Shan?

          I whispered to her ear. She slowly let go of my hands and looked at me.

Shan: Yeah?

            I pointed at the screen. Samara was coming of the screen as the girl was screaming for her life, trying to run away.

Kaye: Nice view. Mind if we sit?

             She smiled. I love how she smiles at me. She smiles at me like I'm the only reason behind it, like I'm the only she sees. Then I couldn't help but laugh a little. In a dark room where she and I are at, I am the only one she sees unless she prefers to stare at Samara so that left her with only one choice to look at.

Shan: What's funny?

Kaye: Nothing. Do you like scary movies by any chance?

           I asked her as we sat down. I rested my hands on the armchair. She didn't answer me though. So we watched it silently. But as the movie went on, it got scarier and scarier. Then, I felt her got closer and whispered.

Shan: Jade?

Kaye: Yeah?

        I answered without looking at her. I was a bit busy biting my nails.

Shan: Can I hold your hand until we finish it ?

               I stopped in mid air and looked at her but she wasn't looking at me still. She just held her hand open like she was waiting for me to hold it for her so I did, without a moment of thinking twice about it, I held it tight.

             Normally, I wouldn't go on a date to watch a scary movie but, there's something about right now, and the person I'm with that makes me change the way I used to do things. With her, she makes love the things I used to hate, she makes me see the beauty in the things I normally neglected to see even with Samara.

            I wonder what I am to her. Does she smile to herself whenever she thinks of me? Does she wake up every morning at the thought of wanting more from me? Will she love me more the moment she knows the other part of me?

             I guess I was thinking about it a little too much that I didn't realize the movie has ended and she is staring at me, waiting, thinking. About what, that I do not know. I just hope she won't ask me about it because, since I held her hand, my heart was practically racing fast enough that my mind was trying to run after it. It became a cycle until the movie ended.

            The lights came back on, and that's when we realized it wasn't just the two of us after all. Maybe we were both busy in our own little bubble that we couldn't notice those that came in.

Kaye: Yeah?

Shan: Can I have my hand back?

Kaye: Oh.

            Then, I sadly let it go. We walked slowly in silence again until we reached the pavement in front of the theatre.

Shan: Let's eat. What kind of food do you like?

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