6. Let my music find you

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        ***Kaye's POV***

          Because of the amount of alcohol I had last night, I woke up with this terrible hang over and a slight loss of memory. I sat down, and contemplated about last night. I was at this bar, waited for Ocean who obviously didn't show up, I drank..What did I drink? I put my right hand on my head.

          I stood up to take a shower first, might be helpful for my headache. As I was in the bathroom, a little bit about last night seems to be more clear. But I remember this girl from the bar, I think I spilled my drink on her shirt, and I must have offered my jacket because I couldn't find it anymore. Have I forgotten anything else? Maybe not.

          After a few minutes of a hot bath, I put on some thick clothes and went out of my room. I was still a little dizzy when a pillow hit the back of my neck. Imagine if it was a shoe. I turned around with furrowed eyebrows, picked up the pillow and was about to hit him back because I thought it was my cousin Eric.

         A few inches from my Aunt's face, my hand stopped in mid air. Not because of my issues with guilt. But, can you just hit your aunt with the pillow on the face while she is glowering at you? I don't think so.

"Did you by any chance saw the clock when you woke up?" She asked.

         I just shrank and swallowed hard. Guilty.

"It stopped. I mean my clock stopped. I forgot to change the batteries." I lied. Ofcourse I didn't check the clock.

       She just stared at me for a few seconds. Now I'm thinking maybe I should have lied better.

"Eat something. There's food on the fridge. Just heat them up. And I placed a note of the table. Go to the store tomorrow and buy them ." She ordered. Now is not the time to tell her my head aches so bad to go out, because she might never let me out.

"Okay." The only reply I could think of.

        My Aunt Jella, who is the only daughter of my grandfather is not one of the friendliest people you may meet. But, she is also my neighbor, not that I have a choice.

        She turned around and I gavea  big sigh of relief. Was it too loud for her to hear because she turned around?

" Please get a job. " she added.

         And left. Did anybody tell her I'm here on vacation? Well, not certain yet. I think of myself right now as a wanderer. Kaye, the singing wanderer, trying to find my reason to stay.

         I went to the kitchen and checked the clock. I scratched my eyes a few times. It's almost 6pm. I probably slept for more than 12 hours. No wonder my aunt was pissed at me. Because my head still hurts, I just made a sandwich and ate them by myself, staring at the clock.

         After eating, I checked on grandad's room but he was already sleeping. I fixed his blanket and picked up the newspaper on the floor. I took my thick jacket and walked by the beach.

         It's almost 7pm already and it's getting much colder. I hugged my jacket tighter. No bottle.

"Ocean!!!! Where are you?!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

          I just kneeled there, head down and stared at the snow I was stepping on. I covered my face with my two hands for a few seconds and stood up. That's when I saw something near the shore. A bottle.

          I ran to it. I have never been so excited about a bottle. When I picked it up, I saw a paper and my USB flash drive. I could feel myself grinning from ear to ear. As I was walking back home, I took the paper out of the bottle.

           "Hey. I'm sorry if my reply is a little late. I was a little busy and I didn't know how to respond to that song. You're voice is so beautiful. I'm sure you've heard that a lot. I saved it on my mp3 and listened to it over and over again. I live by the ocean,  but my name is Ocean not because of it. My parents were sailing on a ship, when my mother's water broke. So, I was basically born in the middle of the ocean. Pretty cool, huh? I now live with my stepmother. My real mom died a few years after I was born. Later, my dad remarried. Two years ago, he said he'd go sailing and because of a storm, I lost him too. Now, I'm stuck here near the ocean. And, long story short. I found you and so did your music. I saw the video. But I couldn't see you or it was all I ever heard, your song, but that was it and only static for the most part. I don't know if the video had problems or it didn't want me to see you yet."

            I stared at the paper for a while. Static? How? I checked them many times before I put it inside the bottle. I picked up the USB and stared at it.

            When I entered the house, I first checked on my grandfather who was sleeping soundly and hurriedly went to my room. I picked my laptop and placed it on my bed. As  I was about to sit, I felt the cold wind as I realized I left the windows open. I stood up and closed it first. I placed the bottle on the table near the window and went back to my bed. I inserted the USB and searched for my video. When I clicked it, it was fine. It had everything I recorded before.

            I looked up and stared at the bottle again. Ocean's note was on top of the table. I stood to check it again. That's when I noticed the short note below.

        "PS: I recorded a video of the place where I worked and a little bit of me. I don't know if the video is going to work. Let's see"

         I sat down again and searched for her video. I hit the play button but there was nothing...Just static. I stood and picked up the bottle. I could still hear the static sound behind me.

" Is it possible that only my music could reach her? " 
I whispered to myself.

       Like Ocean said, maybe this bottle didn't want us to use our eyes. It wanted to teach us something. Some things in life don't have to be seen by our eyes. We only need our ears to listen and our heart to feel it. 

      A message in a bottle. Music in a bottle. If my music is something that could reach her, then I want to sing for her. Until this bottle brings us closer.

       I picked up my guitar and started strumming it. Now I know why she didn't show up last night. It's not because she didn't want to but because we are both not supposed to yet. 

       I learned something today. Just because a bottle paved a way for you to meet someone doesn't mean I don't have to work hard to deserve it. It just means, the bottle showed me how to start something but I have to work my way until I reach whoever is at the end of this. 

     And I started singing for this girl. Without me noticing, that every note I hit for her, she gets closer to me.

        She will keep listening to the music in the bottle until the day she finds me.

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