9. lies that pleases your heart

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           ***Kaye's POV***

          I just left. Without saying a word, I just left. Talking about my grandmother is still unbearable. Because even though she is already buried, to my grandfather, she isn't. I can't even begin to fathom how it feels to actually lose your wife, partner and soulmate. They've been together for more than 40 years.

         One day, you wake up and that person is no longer with you. How do you move on ? How do you even begin again? I'm 27, yet I can't say I've found "The one". I saw this phrase the other day..

" She might be the one. But she is not the only. "

        Maybe it's true. In a world filled with so many people, you might meet someone whom you may say as "the one"... but it doesn't mean she is the only one you can love. You can love the whole universe. But you can never love each of them the same way. So if you found it but lost it, you can love again.

     But it won't be the same. It' ll never be the same.

       When I got back home, grandad was sitting next to the window. I kneeled next to him and held his hand. He looked at me, yet he can't see me. It's like, he has eyes but his vision is gone. It's almost like, you are still alive, yet you're dying on the inside. And I don't know how to fix him.

       I stood up and placed the things I bought in the kitchen. My aunt was there, cooking something.

"Thank God you're back. Did you get everything I listed?" She asked and walked to check them.

I nodded and placed them on the table.

"I gotta go again." I said and my voice sounded tired already. I haven't started working yet.

"Will you be back for lunch" she asked as she was putting away the things she asked me to buy.

"I don't think so. I got a job." I sighed as I said it.

"Oh... Oh. That's nice. Go on then. You shouldn't be late." She replied happily.

       Now, she is happy. Who knows how happy she is going to be once she finds out I won't get paid. What if I don't go back to the store? I was trying to create my evil plan when my Aunt was already shoving me out of the door.

"Never be late on your first day of work. I want to meet your boss soon." She sounded really happy.

" I won't get paid. I owed her some money...so. " I immediately said, hoping she'd stop me.

Why is she still smiling?

"you mean, she got you to work for free?" She said with her hands on both sides of her cheeks.


"I have got to meet this person. " she said. A little too excited.

"Why?" I demanded.

" This boss of yours is the first person to make you do this. I can't even make you clean the house." She explained.

" I did go to the store like you asked." I mumbled.

" Of course you would. It's food. See you later." She pointed out, which is true. I love food. Who doesn't?

       She waved and went back inside with a big grin on her face.

" That was scary." I whispered.

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