17.2 Who do you choose to see?

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     ***Ocean's POV***

         When I came in the house, my stepmom was lying down on the couch, cleaning her nails and humming to herself. When she looked at me, she had a big smile on her face.

"Happy birthday, Shanny!" She greeted.

        I hate it when she calls me that. She is obviously drunk again before it's lunchtime. She walked beside me, not that a straight line ever exists to her. Imagine her driving and wrecking a car perfectly. She would have aced that one.

"I like your boyfriend."   She said as she was twirling my hair like I'm her baby girl.

"My ex." I reminded again. I'm sure I said that so many times.

"If you want things to go nicer for you, stay with him. I like him. Now, get out of my face."   One of the nicest things she ever said to me.

       You should have heard the rest, maybe you'd agree.  Instead of going back to my room, I went near the ocean inside. I stared there as I kept walking.

  "if I hate her, would you forgive me dad?" I whispered to myself.

        I made a promise to my dad before he left that I'd stay. Seeing me now, would he rather I keep that promise?  Or would he give me the choice?

        I stopped walking when I saw the bottle floating nearby. It always comes the moment I need it the most. When I opened it, I was surprised to see how short Kaye's message was. Just one sentence.

            "I'm falling for someone who can't see me even though she is right in front of me."

          I stared at it for a long time, then I cut the paper in half and took my pen from the backpack beside me. I wrote.

     "I'm think I'm falling for ~~~"...... " I'm falling for his soul, for the one my heart chooses to see"

            I put it back inside and just let it float again. I'm falling for Jade, but I keep imagining Kaye and I feel different with Jamie. Broken strings or not, my heart once fell for him.

         I sat there for a few minutes listening to my playlist. I lied down and closed my eyes. The wind is cold but I can almost feel his warmth, his love, his..... I sat down again and stared at the ocean in front of me. Why does my heart flutter like he is near?
     Can my heart hear you calling me?

       Then, I saw the bottle again.  He wrote..

      "I remember the first message you wrote. You asked me to save you. So, this time I'm asking you. If I fall, would you fall with me just to save my heart from falling alone? Would you take my hand and walk with me or with the guy I can't be?"

        I felt my heart getting heavier as I read it. Is this a poem he wrote for me, or a message that he is trying to make me see. I stared at the note for a long time, not knowing how or what to respond. I wrote.

     "If she can't see you, make her listen, make her hear you. When she does, I'm sure she'll turn around. If not, maybe you're meant to stay as friends or just strangers that meet along the way"

        As I watched the bottle float away, I only thought of one thing. I want to see Kaye. How can I possibly be falling for someone I've never seen? Because he is someone without a face, I feel like I keep seeing him with everyone. 

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