41. Let's go back to the start

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          ***Ocean's POV***

          I stood outside the place I call my second home. It's funny how things turned out. Sometimes, you feel like running away from everything and everyone that you pray for it until it happens. But when it does, you keep thinking of more reasons to stay. We stay for the people we love or for the life that we are used to.

           I put my hand inside my right pocket and placed the USB inside. Now, I'm staying for me. Not because someone asked me to, or because that someone might come back for me. We all have choices. We either choose what we want or what we need. That's why time is important. It doesn't tell us what to choose but it gives us that moment that we need to make the choice that's going to make our lives change forever.

         Change is inevitable. So is choosing my heart.

        When I opened the door, Charlie had her eyebrows furrowed, probably pissed at the new employee again and holding a bottle of beer on her hand. I'm guessing it's not her first drink because I can see her cheeks getting red, more so than usual. And she gets pretty cranky when she is drunk.

         The moment she saw me, that bottle from her hand just fell on the floor and they all stared. The music stopped, everyone looked as Charlie almost ran towards me.

"Are you... Uhmm. Did you forget something? Or." She asked

        I moved and  hugged her. I could feel her body almost vibrating from crying. As she realized others were staring at us,

"We should go to my office." She suggested

        She wiped her tears. And we left. Her office is quite small, her laptop is still open so I sat on the chair as she stood there, probably wondering why I'm not on the plane.

"Am I fired? Is it okay if I start working tonight? "

        She laughed. She opened her drawer and took one of the envelopes. She handed it over to me. The seal hasn't  been opened yet.

"You never opened it?" I asked holding my resignation letter

"Yes. It means I haven't exactly agreed to your resignation letter. But you're late, so now, you're fired."

        I stood up immediately.

"What? Why? You need me here." I complained

" I need you here. Ofcourse. The new employee is pulling my hair off but I can work around that. I need you Shan, but the world needs you. You have to see the world and not get stuck here with me in this crappy bar." She suggested

"this is the best one in town." I said with confidence

"It's the only one here in this town. Just sit, rest. You look like you haven't slept for months. We'll talk after."

          She smiled, leaned closer and kissed me on the forehead. As she went out, I sat again on the armchair, placed my right elbow on the table and rested my head in my right hand. I stared at the screen of her computer. Charlie has always loved snow so it's no wonder that her live wallpaper is snowing.

          I don't know how long I stared at it, then I remembered the USB. I took it out of my pocket and inserted it on the laptop. I put my earphones on to hear him better and closed my eyes. I miss Jade or Kaye at the same time. I thought I was in love at either of them but they turned out to be the same person.

          Before I saw his face on the video, I fell in love with his voice, his music and how he makes me feel better simply by singing. It's the way I was with his music., as a singer. And then ,Jade. I fell for him because of the way I was with him as a person. I never really realized they were the same, maybe because it was me who was not ready to see it. I wasn't ready to accept it.

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