12.2 The scar on her forehead

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           ***Ocean's POV***

        He moved closer to me again. He took off the old bandage from my forehead. I whimpered and moved a little backwards. He put some medicine on it and held me too close to his face. He was blowing it. To avoid looking at him, I closed my eyes.

         After a while, he stopped and was caressing my forehead but he looked so serious.

" What is it?" I said, trying to look up.

"You have a scar on your forehead."

         I lifted my other hand and lightly touched it.

"Oh this one. I fell off a tree once." I explained.

         His eyebrows furrowed. Did I say something he didn't like?

"I think many people have that experience. It's not like I'm the only one who fell off a tree." I explained more.

          Still no comment. He took the occlusive dressing and used it to seal the wound. He fixed my front hair and did one of the smiles I hated. When he smiles and pretends to be okay, but the truth is, something is bothering him but he prefers to hide it.

          If only I had the ability to read his mind, I would like to know what he thinks of me.

"Now, it's better. " he said

       Then he turned around and took something.

"So, the second one, you fell off the same tree?"  He said while his body was turning away.

         I swallowed hard and tried not to stare. I jumped off the table without realizing that he is in front of me. When I looked up, he was staring right at me. A few inches away. But why does he keep looking at my forehead? I was surprised when he suddenly leaned forward and kissed it.

          I...was.. Frozen....I seriously forgot how to move my body or that I have a brain. I could feel my cheeks burning. When I looked at him, he was trying so hard not to laugh.

"Do you know how red your face is right now? It's almost a little too close to an apple "

          That's the most romantic thing he could say after kissing my forehead? What was I thinking? Or what was he thinking? He stopped laughing when he realized I was angry. I walked passed him and was about to go out of the door when he held my hand.

"I'm sorry. It's hard to make jokes in English. Please stay. I promise to behave."    He smiled and held up his right hand. But I still didn't smile at him.

"Okay. What can I do to make it up to you? Anything. Say it. While I'm open for favors." He offered

          There's one thing. I don't to want to go home today.

"uhmmm. I don't want to go home tonight."    I was trying to find the right words to say without sounding like I'm almost pleading for him to help me.

I mean, we barely know each other. He doesn't have to do anything for me.

         He walked inside the room again. When he came out, he was carrying the mop and some cleaning materials. He took my hand. I thought he was going to give me one to help him out.  But he took my hand and asked me to sit on the chair.

"Why am........"

        He suddenly put one of his finger on his lips.

" Sshh. It's your birthday. I know, you said you don't like celebrating. Ace also told me not to greet you more than once. But I'm not from around here. Where I'm from... We celebrate it. Think of it as a do-nothing day. " he said

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