30.2 Footsteps on the pavement

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        ***Kaye's POV***

            I sat there by the beach and waited. It's almost 3 am. She gets off at this time. I've been here sitting in the cold for hours and I didn't sleep a wink. I kept thinking of another way. There must be another way.

           Some people were destined to be together, some were not and some may be in the middle or in the (still working it out category). I guess that's where we both are. I don't want to say we're not destined to be together because we met for a reason and I'm going to keep fighting for that reason... As long as I can.

          I stared at the ocean and remembered the first note I wrote for her which I assumed she has forgotten. I miss sending her messages through the bottle. What does she remember when she sees a floating bottle?

         Me..  I think of the ocean. Not just because it's her name or it's how I met her. But simply because it's her.

         I sat there on the log, staring at the moon, and the sky with just a few stars visible in my eyes tonight. Then suddenly, someone from behind me covered my eyes and she whispered in my ears.

"loving the view?"

         She sat on the log right next to me, her chin resting in her hands and elbows on her knees while staring at the moon that's waiting for me to finally say out loud the things I told it for the past 6 or 7 hours. I guess that's what happens when you sit under this beautiful moon for hours and no one talk to but this round, beam of light above me.

"No, I didn't."

       I said softly. She looked at me with her big, blue eyes and wondered.


"Because you weren't here when I was looking at it." I said

            Which is true, by the way. Maybe I haven't traveled the world yet like other people have. Maybe I haven't seen the most beautiful views that people always talk about. For me, the most beautiful sight will always be staring at this person in front of me and knowing that, as I'm staring at her now, she is staring right back at me.

          She smiled and rested her head on my shoulder. I sat there asking myself...How do I start? How do I tell her I'm leaving? Would it be alright if I asked her to stay without an assurance? It's like buying a house, asking her to come over but not giving her the spare key which means she would still wait until I get back.

" Shan, I have something to tell you." I started

           She placed her index finger on my lips to stop me and said.

"Ssshh.. Not tonight. "

"I have to." I explained

         She smiled and put her hand on my cheek. I didn't want her to let go. I lifted my hand and placed it over her palm. I closed my eyes as I pressed it to my cheek.

"So tell me when the sun rises, before I walk away. " she said

          I nodded and hugged her tight. So tight hoping that if the space is too little, then maybe, we won't have to part.

            We sat there in silence, just holding each other's hands. Sometimes, she would open my palm and trace the lines.

"What does it say?" I asked.

"It says you'd be successful in your career." She said as she kept tracing the lines

          I moved closer.

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