Chapter 2:

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Jacobs POV

I hit her. I don't know how but I did. She didn't deserve it. I'm angry, furious at her but that doesn't mean she deserves to be hurt.

I sprint into the Woods, my anger coursing through me when I finally see him.

"Jacob, I'm sorry... " He says, already catching on to my thoughts to find out why I'm here.

I growl. Sorry? Is that all he can manage.

"Why would you do that to me?" I wanted my words to sound threatening but they just came out hurt.

"I don't know Jacob. I'd had a bit too much too drink and she wanted to. I'm not going to refuse if a beautiful woman comes up to me asking. "

" Don't you dare call her beautiful!" I growl. "Woman? Do you know how old she is Seth? In human years?"

"I don't know, like 17."

Was he really that oblivious to her age in looks? Or maybe I was wrong. Maybe she was older.

"15" I tell him and he swears to himself.


I nod.

"Not even legal"

"Jake, if I'd realised... I never would've"

"What, so, even if she had been old enough you would've? Even though you know Renesmee and I are together?"

"Jake, I was drunk."

" Of course you were" I say in disbelief. "Just stay away. From her and me!"

"Jacob, please... "

" You think you deserve better? Well you're getting off lucky. It's in my mind to kill you right now Seth!"

"You think you could?" He challenges me.

"I know I could."

He growls and runs at me, phasing as he charges. I jump over him and phase in the air, landing behind him.

I growl menacingly and he spins around, jumping at me. I dodge him again and kick out at him.

"Stop!" A voice shouts.


Renesmee's P.O.V

(15 minutes earlier)

I sit up, trying not to cry and pull myself to my feet. Ignoring my bleeding cheek I walk out of my room and down the stairs. Edward sees me and growls.

Despite the situation I keep my thoughts firmly away from the baby.

"You are not going anywhere near him!"

"I deserved it!" I shout at him. "I'm glad he hit me! I deserve much worse!"

He grabs my arm and I growl and pull it away.

"Don't you dare!" I snap and then I sprint.

Edward's much faster than me so if he runs now he'll catch me. I just pray he doesn't. Thankfully he must have calmed down enough to realise that I will be sensible. Though, I know I'll be in big trouble when I get back.

I'm running through the woods when I hear a growl, so I change direction. I follow Jacobs scent until it leads me to him.

"Stop!" I cry out.

I watch as the two wolves stop jumping at each other to look up at me.

"Please!" I beg and run over to them. "I'm not worth this"

They both run into the bushes and when they return they are both human. Jacob walks over and wraps his arm around me.

"Renesmee, you are worth all of this"

I scowl, not liking it when he uses my full name.

I shake my head.

"Im so sorry. Both of you. Seth, I was drunk and... Nothing can come of this but... "

"But?" Seth asks, curious, clearly Jacob hadn't thought about everything.

"Tell him." Jake says.

"I'm pregnant" I tell him.

"Oh... " He looks shocked. "And you know it's mine?"

"Jacob and I never..."

"Oh... " He looks even more guilty. "I didn't realise."

Jacob growls softly and tightens his grip around me.

"That doesn't make it any better Seth!"

"What are you going to do with it?"

"I- I don't know... " I look at Jacob who squeezes my arm gently.

"We'll talk about it" Jake answers for me. "Come on, we should get back."

He starts to go but I stop him

"Wait. Seth, what do you want me to do with it?"

He shrugs "Ness, whatever you want to do I'll go with. I'm sorry, about all of this"

The thought crosses my mind that maybe this wasn't so bad after all and maybe, something good will come of it.

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