Pills (prinxitey)

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Edit: Jan 2019. Ewww it's so angsty...and full of errors...ok so thank you to the lovely JackSmellington for Editing my stuff. We've talked, and they will be my new editor! Always lovely to have friends.

If you don't know, I have an Instagram, and a tumblr, both of which can be found in my profile bio. Idk go follow them if u want all I'll do is post memes and updates. Enjoy the story!

Tw: anxiety attack, negative thoughts.

It had been a terrible day for Virgil.
He had walked into the kitchen-A rare occurrence- and caught Thomas popping some pills. Virgil quickly hid around the corner, his brain began to think of what pills he'd just swallowed. Drugs? No. Aspirin? Maybe. Antidepressants? Uhh...

Thomas proceeded to chug a glass of water, sighing and retreating to his bedroom. Virgil snuck into the kitchen and lifted the bottle.
Antidepressants - Thomas Sanders

He continued to read about what they'd do, even though a part of him already knew. Virgil sighed, walking back to his room and abandoning the thought of food or drink, I mean, might as well go out numb...right? He slouched and ran up the stairs, trying hard to shove the cruel but true thoughts to the back of his twisted mind. He had them on a regular basis but today was anything but regular.

"Hey kiddo! Are you ok?"

Great. Patton.

"This is just my face, get used to it." He winced. Usually he wasn't this mean with the fatherly trait, but today would be an exception. He pushed on to his room, ignoring the sad look Patton gave him as he walked away.

Virgil turned right, opening the door to his room, he slinked in, closing the door behind him and pressing his back to it.
"Music will help..." he muttered, making his way to his laptop. Plopping down on his messy bed, Virgil began to play some MCR. As with all their songs, he eventually began to fight back tears. Virgil sighed and let them flow,

Maybe if I run out of tears, I'll never have to cry again...



That did it. Virgil felt the panic attack coming at him full throttle. He curled up, scratching his arms and trying the breathing control exercises he'd learned over the years.
In four....hold for seven......out for eight.....


In four....


H-hold seven.......

Why don't you just kill yourself?


It will do everyone a favor.

He repeated his exercises, but the thoughts wouldn't leave and the panic that gripped him like cold claws would not stop. All the comments that Logan, Roman, Thomas and even Patton had made came back to him in a fierce storm.

He tried to calm down, he really did but with these attacks there was just no way.

...An hour later...

Virgil had never been more exhausted- scratch that, he had never been more frustrated. Every week it was the same, panic, hide, cry. Panic, hide, and then crylikeababybecausenobodywilleverloveme.
He shook his head, one thing he hated was pity, and he didn't want to bathe in a pool of his own weak pity.

Sanders Sides One-shots (Mainly Prinxiety)Where stories live. Discover now