Trail (part two of the Camping trip)

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(Lmao TW ig, heated kissing in this btwwwww)
Logan and Roman had decided that for their second day, they should go on a hiking trip! Virgil wasn't exactly thrilled with this idea.
Patton and Thomas thought it was splendid of course, but don't worry, Roman made sure Virgil was ok with the idea.
But he went, due to Patton's unbearable puppy eyes. (Like seriously wtf)
For the first five minutes, it was ok, but then things went downhill, even though they were traveling uphill.
For the most part, it was just an exited Logan pointing to plants (that all looked the same to Roman) and shouting facts upon facts....but nobody wanted to spoil Logan's fun and say anything, they just let him do his thing, which was rambling on and on about how "the flora and fauna here is exquisite and orderly! Such a system!"
And Virgil just couldn't stand looking at his boyfriend and NOT kissing his soft lips, so, his brilliant plan was to sneak away and makeout. Because Virgil could be Romantic!  He could lace the goddamn cake with rose petals if he so pleased.
"Um, hold on I thought I saw something back there. You two go on, I'll bring....Roman with me to check it out."
All but Logan seemed to not question it, but Logan just gave him this curious look, nodding his head.
"Be careful you two! What if it's a bear?" Thomas said, slightly nervous.
Roman scoffed "that's why he's bringing me! So I can slay it!"
Patton cheerily smiled "oh shush, there's no bear. This entire forest is safe. Nothing to worry about Thomas...or Virgil"
Logan shook his head "run along you two" he said with a knowing look (which Virgil wasn't quite happy with).
Virgil gave them a sly smile, grabbing Roman and dragging him behind a overhanging cliff that was shielded by bushes and lichen.
Roman looked at Virgil expectantly, but also worried.
"You ok?" He said, putting his hand on Virgil's shoulder.
Virgil looked in the direction of Logan and Patton went....they were thankfully out of earshot, and not within seeing distance....they'd catch up.
Virgil turned back and threw his arms around romans neck, wrapping his legs around his waist.
He kissed Roman more passionately than the any morning before.
Roman was stiff at first but soon let himself go, as he supported Virgil, lifting him up to a more comfortable position.
"Why are you so strong..." Virgil mumbled in between kisses, but he never opened his eyes. Roman chuckled, not answering.
They stayed like that for at least three minutes, but soon Roman collapsed onto a fallen log, cradling Virgil so he wouldn't have to let go.
"Thanks ro, I was getting really antsy. Just looking at you made me squirm"
Roman blushed a little, smiling slightly. No doubt squealing like a fan girl on the inside.
"You could have done that in the tent you know. What if they decided to check on us?" Roman said, laying his head on Virgil's. "Oh I don't care, but I'm going to suggest that we don't tell them just yet" he said softly.
Roman pouted "but I'm proud of loving you. I wanna scream it to the world!!" He announced somewhat loudly.
"Shhhhh, Sh!"
Virgil stood up, stretching a little. "Let's get this miserable hiking trip over with"
Roman frowned slightly "oh hush, your just being dramatic. It's not that bad"
"Me? Your calling me dramatic?"
Roman rolled his eyes, pulling on Virgil's jacket and giving him one last kiss.
When the hike was over, they all collapsed in their respectful tents, laying there for about a million years.
Once they all were rested, everyone set out to light the fire and set up more tables/things for the site.
"Jeez, how many things can you fit in that car?!" Virgil huffed, looking at the two full length tables they had somehow pulled out of the trunk.
"It's quite the Mary Poppins car, I'm afraid" Thomas said, lighting a large fire for hot-dog roasting.
Logan and Roman came back with the firewood, and Patton had just finished laying out even more snacks.
Virgil snorted at how much Logan and Roman were carrying.
Logan had a couple of twigs whilst Roman was carrying practically a whole tree.
"Woah, don't hurt yourself Logan. You might pull a muscle if you add any more weight" Virgil quipped.
Logan gave him an unamused glance while Thomas stifled his laughter, and Roman snorted, dropping the wood.
"Virgil, let's not tease Logan. Wood yew lichen it if he commentreed on your strength? (So sorry) (not really)"
Everyone groaned at those god awful puns, even Thomas.
"Ok Logan. I'm sorrtree" Virgil said, his head down and body shaking from laughter.
Oops. Um. Oops. Yea that's all I can say. Sorry for my absence....

Sanders Sides One-shots (Mainly Prinxiety)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin