The morning after....

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"Hello? Am I talking to your voicemail? Good because 8 need to let you know-" 

Roman replayed the voicemail for the fifth time, running his hand through his hair and stressing out.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fUCK"

Roman groaned, shutting off his phone. "Oh my god. It's reciprocated. He loves me back...." Roman paused, thinking the situation over once more. "How the fuck am I going to deal with this?" He moaned into his crown pillow.

Ok. He had a number of plausible options.

1.) Come clean. Confess. Rip off the bandaid.

2.) wait for Virgil to come to him (unlikely)

3.) let it play out

4.) crawl into a deep hole and never return

Four sounded like a promising option. 

Roman smacked his forehead "I should just confess. It would be the painful option, but the right one."

But what if he was just drunk. What if he doesn't really love you?  A small part of his mind whispered back.

"Most likely. People say the weirdest fucking things when they're wasted. It was just the alcohol. Right? There's no way Virgil would love....this....back." Roman shook his head "I mustn't think that way! If he was just drunk, we can laugh about it! It's not that bad. It's just a funny mishap. Yeah." 

Ok. So option 1 it is.

"Feelings are fucking hard. At least I don't have to deal with it until the morning." Roman reassured himself, while slipping under his blankets.



""Fuck fuck fuck fuck fUCK" Went a tired voice.

"what the hELL am I going to do?"


Virgil was pacing his room, at the crack of dawn. Sometime at 6AM he woke up with a pulsing pain in his forehead, and a disgusting taste in his mouth. Immediately dazed, he checked his phone and went through his recent opened apps.

"Why the fuck did I call Pincey?" He pondered, holding a wet washcloth to his forehead.

All the memories from the night came rushing Back to him.



Roman woke with a start, flinging off his nightmask.

"Oh shit. Was that Virgil? God please it can't be Virgil. Anyone but Virgil.

He heard a loud bang from down the hall, followed by a shout of regrettable pain.

"Fuck, it's Virgil"

He must have woken up...could he have remembered what happened? God he wasn't supposed to REMEMBER! 

It's all so screwed up now. Virgil's going to avoid me...and we won't talk...hell he won't even come out of his room now...

Roman huffed

 "Damn anxiety"

Stretching, and throwing a jacket on, he rubbed his eyes and went to check on the poor trait. "God why did we have to play that game?"

He started down the hall, pausing every once and a while. Yep, he was definitely pacing the floor.  Probably wore a hole through his rug.

Knocking at his door softly, Roman waited for a response.

After a few minutes, he considere leaving, but then he heard an unmistakable sigh of frustration.

"Come in Princey" Came the muffled reply

Roman opened the door slowly, to see a hunched over Virgil on his bed with a washcloth. 

"So I'm guessing you remember?" Roman asked carefully, sitting down next to him.

"You weren't supposed to know. Nobody could ever know. I'm sorry you don't feel the same's just-I can't...uGH!" He growled, throwing his hands in the air and stalking to the other wall.

"Oh. I'm sorry you feel like that...uh...sorry, feelings aren't my strongest suit." He coughed, scratching the back of his neck.

Virgil scoffed "look who you're talking to, Princey." He gave him a look.

Roman smirked "I know. I guess what I should be that I feel the same way."

Virgil stiffened, turning to Roman. He couldn't see much more than a silhouette, but he was getting a pretty strong confusion vibe from the other trait. "What? Princey this isn't something to joke about!" He mumbled, shifting.

Roman squinted "I would never! What do you take me for? The villain!?" Roman paused, thinking through what he said. "That's not what I meant and you know it."

Virgil snickered "I know, you don't have much of a filter Princey."

"But you're serious? You aren't disgusted with me? Mad? I don't think I'm your type..." he trailed off, sliding down the wall and onto the floor. He laughed "no! Why would I be mad? Or disgusted? Thomas is gay, and as we learned last night, I'm bi and you're also gay."

"I didn't mean it that way. Some would consider it weird that two traits are together...we are both a part of Thomas, and look mostly the same. Isn't that kind of like incest?" He questioned, doubt clear in his voice.

"Well...I've thought of that too...and truth is, some would consider it weird, but not me. Also Logan and Patton? If you really remember what happened last night, you'll know that those two are sooo in love." He laughed, shuffling to Virgil, and mimicking his position.

"Glad I wasn't the only one who noticed. We should get them to drunk call each other." He laughed.

Roman smiled "you have such a cute laugh. Too bad we don't hear it all that often" he added sadly. Virgil lowered his head, probably blushing. 

"Aw. Are you blushing? That's perhaps cuter than Patton holding a puppy!"

Virgil shook his head, stifling a laugh.

Roman coughed "what is this? What are we?"

Virgil shuffled to Romans side, hesitantly leaning into Romans shoulder.

"I'd like to be...more than friends, if you don't mind...I like this...wanted feeling. I think it's nice to have someone to hold and comfort..." Roman smiled, leaning into Virgil.

"I swear to god I think this is enough risk-taking. I just INITIATED contact. I'm supposed to be anxious. This is unnatural for me!" He paused "and yeah...this is nice. I don't know what 'this' is, but if this is what boyfriends do...then...yeah"

Roman hummed a response, playing with Virgil's hair. "I was seriously contemplating crawling into a hole and dying. that was option number four." He chuckled, pulling Virgil closer. "Your hair is so soft. Is this natural? Or have you been using my off-limits coconut shampoo?" 


Roman smirked, picking up the string bean, and throwing him onto his bed.

"ACK I TAKE IT BACK I TAKE IT BACK" he cried, curling into a ball.

"You're so cute. Flustered n' shit." He cooed, laying next to him.

Virgil stiffened "eh. I've seen cuter than this" 

Roman rolled his eyes "Boyfriends?" He asked

The faintest nod from Virgil told him all that he needed to know.


That was quick. Wow I am just a machine. Ew

idk I'm trying to be responsible ITS NOT GOING sO WELL OK?


Sanders Sides One-shots (Mainly Prinxiety)Where stories live. Discover now