Leaving. (part 4 of the Camping trip)

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*Prinxitey and hints of Logicality*

It was time to leave.

Some were sad, some were....not so sad.
But two were cuddling once more, in the back of the car, just like when they arrived. 

Overall, Logan gave the trip a 7 out of 10. Mainly because he had been taking notes on the two love birds. (No it was not because he got to share a tent with Patton, how preposterous) 

But his point was, His notes would come in handy, and everyone had a good time....(he supposed that he had fun, too. not like he'd admit it to them though

Anyways, he inspected the couple in the back. it was clear that roman was the "Big spoon" as Thomas had put it when he'd been explaining the concept of feelings and relationships to Logan...for...research purposes. But anyways, the pair sat in the back, Roman laying sideways on the seat, with one hand wrapped around the dark traits waist, and one cradling his cheek.

Virgil, was curled up on romans chest, sleeping soundly whilst Princey looked down at him softly. Contentment and love was evident in the princes eyes. And for a split secound, Logan felt a depressing feeling creeping its way into Logans mind.

He looked over at Patton, who was admiring the stars while the wind blew through his perfect hair (did he say perfect? No, patton was strictly a friend, ahem)  However, Logan wouldn't deny the pesky feeling he got whenever he looked at the pun-loving trait.

It was normal, he supposed.

Very normal.

//Romans POV//

Roman looked down at the sleeping angel below him.

How did he get so lucky? 

It really confused him sometimes. Virgil seemed so convinced that he was nothing compared to roman, when really, it was the other way around.

"He's such a cute sleeper." Roman cooed 

"Roman, thats kind of creepy" Thomas said

roman glared at him "i'm his boyfriend, i'm allowed to say these things." he paused "Did you guys know that Virgil has light freckles? How precious" he purred, beginning to count them.

"Even I don't have freckles" Thomas muttered, wrinkling his nose. 

"well, thats because Virgie is more precious than you are" Roman stated

Thomas glared at him, opening his mouth to say something, but Patton cut him off

"Roman" he said in his dad voice.

"sorry Thomas" the prince muttered unhappily, booping his dark princes nose. 

"Thomas, I advise that you keep your eyes on the road. driving at night is highly unsafe, and there are a number of things that could happen...for instance, a wild animal could run across the road, and you might swerve to avoid it. effectively crashing into a tree and leaving poor Patton paralyzed and without the usage of his left eye." 

the car pulled over to the side of the road. Thomas looked back at Logan with a hoffified look on his face

"L-logan....are you ok?" roman sighed

what demons must plague him at night...

"Im just stating facts. sorry Patton, i didn't intentionally use you as an example" Logan murmured

"i-its ok-kay..." Patton stuttered.

Roman felt Virgil shift "w...*yawn*...why'd the car stop?" Virgil groaned, covering his eyes with the sleeves of his jacket.

Everyone went back their original positions, no doubt uncomfortable with logan and his 'Logical' rant.

"shhh. go back to sleep love" Roman purred, stroking Virgils hair.

"...we almost there?" he murmured

Roman nodded as the car started back up.

Virgil snuggled back into Romans chest, grumbling slightly.

Roman pulled him closer, if possible.

virgil mumbled quietly.

roman leaned closer

"Roman.....i love you"

Romans heart fluttered.

"love you too...Virge..."


whoops. i left again didn't i?

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