"You're not broken, not to me" (VxR)

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TW: self-harm (not graphic), Depression, extreme amounts of fluff, good luck

(At the end go check out a phanfiction by CorgiPhann please!

Ok, so Roman was pretty sure that Virgil and him were like...a thing?? he wasn't an expert on dating, he'd only ever dated some...*ahem*...imaginary citizens in the imagination, but nothing prepared him for the mess that was Virgil. oh man did that poor trait have a lot of...issues? he didn't really know. But anyways, you're probably wondering how this all came about. Well then, he better explain how him and Virgil came about to dating.

It all started when he found Virgil lying on the bathroom floor, bleeding out from his...his wrists.


knock knock

"Virgil, if your in there touching up your eye shadow then i swear to the dragon witch you better be out soon!" he yelled, losing his patience. He waited for a response, but instead of hearing a sharp reply from the usually quick-witted trait, he heard....


No, that wasn't like him...

He listened closer, putting his ear up against the white door.


No, that couldn't be.

he knocked again, just for good measure.

"Virgil? I'm coming in there!"

He paused, frowning.

"n-no, no....no!" came a choked reply

Roman shook his head, turning the knob.

what he saw....shocked him, most of all. he opened the door, to see Virgil covering his face, curled up in a protective ball, shivering and sniffling.

Virgil lifted his head, spotted Roman, and began to bubble up with fresh sobs and hiccups.

Roman knelt down "Virgil, its ok...shhhh, you're going to be ok"

Virgil wrapped his arms around Romans waist, curling around him.

that when he noticed the blood.

so much blood....

an unhealthy amount

he gasped, but Virgil cut him off

"i'm sorry...i'm so s-sorry" he sobbed into Romans chest

"Shhhh...its going to be ok" he murmured,stroking Virgils head, running is fingers through the ratty, knotted hair. "Virge, when was the last time you washed your hair?" he said, giving a humorless laugh.

ok, so now is not the time to joke...

He pulled the trait up, making sure to not let him fall, if he fell he'd surely hurt himself even more.

poor Virgil, how long had he been...cutting...

he shuddered, he didn't want to know.

"alright, come on. up you go!" he said, heaving the trait out the door, locking the bathroom on his way. they'd need to clean that up later.
"Ok, I'm going to your room. Do you have medical supplies?" He said.
He nodded, silently dragging his feet down the hallway.
Time skip ig
Roman looked in the medical draws of Virgil's room, spotting several different types of blades. He snatched them all
"No more harming yourself Virgil. This could have been fatal." He whispered to himself.
Turning back to Virgil, who sat on his bed, looking down at his now blood free wrists.
Roman knelt by Virgil and gently took hold of his arm
As he started wrapping the bandage around he began to ask some questions.
"Virgil, you know you can talk to me. Right?" He said, not looking up at the stiffened boy.
"I just want you to be happy, and I think that maybe you should tell Patton"
That got his attention. He ripped his arm from Romans grasp
"No! Patton shouldn't have to know about this. It's bad enough that you know" he spat.
"Ok, I won't push. But I'm not going to sit by and let you do this to yourself again, and again, and again." He softly said, trying to retrieve Virgil's arms and finish his work.
"You can't stop me, Princey"
"I'm confiscating your blades."
"You heard me. Of course I am Virgil! I can't let you just keep them!"
"Y-you don't know a thing about how I feel! You don't have the right!"
His voice then got that scary Echo it usually does, but the prince wasn't deterred.
"I know Virgil! But don't you know how sad it makes me to know that you're feeling like....like this!?"
Virgil froze.
"Princey, let's be honest. Y-you've never really cared about me." He whispered, clenching his jaw.
"What? That's not true in the slightest. I....I love you, Virgil. How could you think I don't care? I care more than anyone in this goddamn mindscape! I care more than the world for you! When I heard you crying in there, my heart gave out for you. I felt so guilty. I'm sorry if I ever gave you the impression that I don't care about you, because I do." He sputtered looking under those bangs of  his.
He was....he was crying again.
Great, Princey. You did it again.
"Hey. Hey....it's ok, I'm sorry I yelled" he murmured, quickly wrapping his arms around the frail boy. Holding him until there were no tears left to cry.
"Come on, it's been a long day." He said, pulling the covers around them both.
"I'm going to stay here tonight, virge"
He heard a breath of air
He looked so fragile, and worn.
How had they not noticed?
"I'm sorry for not noticing. Sorry for not helping enough..." he paused.
"I guess we're just really oblivious, huh?"
He heard a snicker come from the boy.
"There's my Virgil" he said.
Roman never knew how broken this boy was.
None of them had.
"You said you love me"
"In your rant, you said you love me"
Roman sputtered "What? No I didn't....y-you're just trying to trick me!"
"In fact, you're deaf. I don't know what you heard, but I can assure you, I never said that."
He crossed his arms.
"Hehe. It's ok Princey, I love you too"
Roman softly smiled.
Virgil yawned, squirming around.
"Oh...I forgot we're just sitting on the side of the bed. Come on"
Roman shifted so they were laying down, and Roman had Virgil curled into his side, and he had one arm wrapped around him.
"Yeah. Thanks Princey.  Sorry you have to deal with a broken mess like me."
Roman dramatically gasped "preposterous! You'll never be broken, many cracked. But never broken. Not to me" he whispered.
"That was really cheesy"
"I know. But hush you, we need to sleep. It's like three AM"
Roman felt him nod, snuggling into Romans side even more.
They then fell into a peaceful sleep, cuddling each other until the morning...
When they were woken up by a blood-curdling scream.
Both leaped out of bed, tracing the scream back to...oh no.
Yo yo yo how y'all doin? I liked this a lot and lemme know if you want it to be a two parter. Bc I like that idea.
ITS Reaaaaal,y good I promise,
You can find it on CorgiPhann s account! ITS GOOOOOOOOD CHECK IT OUTTT. Then tell me what you think after words ok good bye darlinggggs
Au revoir!!

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