Everyone loves the Villan (Request RxV)

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"Then i usually..."


"Oh look, i'm the bad guy."



unnecessary violence!


'Its ok, everyone loves the Villan"

"Oh brother"

Virgil sighed as Roman looked at him with a smirk.

"Put me down." Virgil growled

Roman shrugged, trying to urge the blood flowing to his cheeks to go die in a very large hole.

Vigil gave him an odd look before snapping himself back to Thomas's mindscape.

Roman sighed, dropping his regal composure.

"Did you have to say that roman? You caught him..." Roman scolded himself, ready to miserably crawl back to the mindscape.


Roman opened his eyes, surveying the kitchen  for, Ahem, the Dark Prince...


"Do not think i didn't see what happened back there with Virgil, Roman." logan said, sipping coffee, looking down at his phone.

"Yeah! Princey, that was so sweet!" Patton cheered, hugging the prince.

Roman shrugged the overly happy trait off of him. It wasnt like hed planned the comment. it was more a spur-of-the-moment kind of thing.

He wasn't sure virgil would see it that way

"I...I don't know what you could possibly be talking about, Patton, logan" Roman hissed

Patton gave him a slow wink. "suuuuuuuure. i gotcha"

Logan looked down his nose at the two other traits.

"We wont say a word to vigil, but it is quite apparent that you harbor....how should i put this....uh...you harbor romantic feelings towards our dear Virgil. Don't lie to me Roman, i will know."

Logan is such a...such a....ugh!
he was too flustered to even insult him in his own thoughts

Roman gave him a nasty look, stomping out of the kitchen and up the stairs.



Virgil huffed, slamming the door to his room, feeling dizzy with...uh...funny feelings.

collapsing on his bed he frowned, trying to push away the blush creeping onto his pale face. pulling out his phone, he took a deep breath, texting Patton.

< Dad >

Virgil: Patton? you there?

Dad: yeah kiddo? you ok?

Virgil: never mind. its not that important.

Virgil: waitr no

Virgil: yeah no. bye pat.

Dad: Virgil?

Dad: kiddo?

Dad: let me know if u want to talk.

Dad: ILY :3

Virgil laid back, squealing on the inside

"I think i'm also the bipolar emotion."

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