Pure love (Prinxiety)

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All this is is just romans thoughts on Virgil and Virgil's thoughts of Roman while they cuddle ;) just some cute fluff
Simple, rainy days.
Those were the best it seemed.
At least to Virgil they did, because simply rainy days meant that him and his boyfriend could just cuddle with no interruptions.
Virgil and his boyfriend sat in Romans room cuddling-- because what else would they do.
But while they sat there taking in each other, they both realized how lucky they really were.
Roman was lucky to have an amazing boyfriend.
Wow, he really is cute. Virgil had freckles. Cute, adorable, tiny little freckles.
"Did you put on foundation?" Roman enquired
"No...are they that noticeable?" Virgil groaned
"Yes. And by the way, they are the cutest thing I've seen all day." He said, booking the emo traits nose.
Virgil shook his head
What an idiot.
He revised his thoughts
My idiot.
Virgil looked into Romans eyes, noticing the way they shined like the stars in the night sky, or how they sparkled like diamonds. Virgil found himself getting lost in all of that happiness while Roman just held him closer.in the privacy of Romans room, he really noticed all of Roman, his messy hair, his soft, kissable lips, his gorgeous body. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
While Virgil just looked at him, he could see what little effort that went into this look, and to be honest, Virgil preferred him this way. Made himself feel more deserving of Romans love.
"How long does it take for you to get ready in the morning?"
Roman gave him a puzzled look, but answered.
"About two hours, not including shower. Why?"
Virgil noted that.
"How long did it take you this morning?"
Roman looked away
"Um. About thirty minutes?"
Virgil smiled at this.
"Well you look beautiful, I like it this way. It makes me feel like I deserve you"
Roman snorted "ok, one: how could you like this? And two: I'm the one who doesn't deserve you!"
Virgil snickered "one: I love you with all of this heart, don't you ever forget that. And two: let's agree to disagree, ok?"
Roman grumbled, but pulled him closer, feeling Virgil nuzzle his head into the crook of Romans neck, they held each other, with Virgil being the little spoon.
"I love you so much virge"
"I love you more my prince"
"I love you most"
They went back to their comfortable silence.
"Was that a Tangled reference?"
Oof I have nothing to put down here except for that Black Panther is an amazing movie that you should look into seeing.
Also Love, Simon is good (haven't seen it tho)

Sanders Sides One-shots (Mainly Prinxiety)Where stories live. Discover now