"My boyfriends an artist!" (R/V)

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Roman day in his room, strumming his acoustic guitar. She really was a beauty, her polished wood gave the nicest sounds.
"Are you going to fuck that guitar?" came a voice from Romans doorway.
"Ah, the little shit finally decides to show up. Finally decide i was worth your time?" Roman huffed playfully, putting down his guitar gently.
Virgil sighed, crawling onto the bed.

"Apologizes babe, i was talking to Patton." he said, curling up to his boyfriend.
"Ah, so he's more important to you than me, huh?" Roman pouted, shoving at Virgil's shoulder.
"Princely. When you called me, you said, and i quote 'Babe i'm bored, come be my model!' end quote. I don't know if you've met me, but being a model isn't really my forté. As much as you wish it was." he pointed out, resting his head on the prince's shoulder, caressing his cheek softly.
Roman grumbled "Pleaseeeeee? It'll be quick, and you can do whatever you want!"
Virgil rolled his eyes, refusing to look at his (unfairly cute) puppy eyes.
"Alright, I'll do it! but I'm just going to sit there" he warned, walking over in front of roman and conjuring a couch to lay on.

Whistling, he called for Valarie to come to sit with him, and the three-footed cat did not disappoint, almost immediately hopping through Roman's door and rubbing along the prince's leg while on his way to sit with Virgil.
"Such a sweet cat, can i give her a treat?" he asked, smoothing out her fluffy fur. Virgil smiled, nodding "She doesn't like tuna though...ironically"
Roman laughed, a cat that didn't like tuna? hardly a cat at all!

Even so, he conjured up a bad of frisky chicken treats, shaking the bag a bit so Valarie could heat it. Her eyes widened and she immediately wobbled off of Virgil in an attempt to reach the treats. Gasping, he gave roman a sour look "You stole my cat! Valarieeee!" he whined, crossing his arms and pouting like a little kid.

Roman just chuckled, patting the kittens head and holding out the small pebble for her. "mmmm...chicken...come and get it" she obliged, happily purring as she ate the treat. Roman shook his head "Now, back to business." He shook out his pencil and paper and began to sketch his boyfriend, who was still glaring at him.

Roman chuckled "Sorry, you can have your cat back" Virgils face broke out in a smile as the kitten hopped back to him, rubbing up against his leg and purring. Concentrating on the basic body shapes and figure, he set out to work. It would take him about one hour tops to get a nice pencil sketch or Virgil if he didn't interrupt.

...of course that was no guarantee, Virgil could be one needy trait sometimes.

... (Virgils POV) ...

Virgil silently awoke, rubbing his eyes and snuggling into the warm body pressed against his back.


"Hnng? What?" he mumbled, becoming slightly more aware as he sat up slowly. Looking behind his shoulder, he saw a content looking Roman holding him with a relaxed face. Over by his leg was Valarie as well, purring with her tail curled up above her nose.

Roman shifted slightly, and he could see his eyes flutter open and soften as he looked back at Virgil. "Morning sleeping beauty" he murmured, draping his hand over Virgil's waist. 

"Its 3 pm..." he deadpanned, earning a look from Roman.


"Whatever. How long was I out? and when?" he looked around, the room was a shade darker than when he was awake. Not to mention he was in a completely different position.

"An hour. After we fell silent, you fell asleep. It was nice, you were completely still so I could sketch you properly. But when I finished, I was kinda tired as well so I joined you." He answered, closing his eyes and snuggling into Virgil's shoulder warmly.

He nodded, running his hand through the mess of purple that he called hair. Pushing back into Romans front, he pulled the hand that was on his waist over to his head, pressing a soft kiss to the palm.

Princey blushed slightly, kissing the back of Virgil's head in response "I thought I was the charmer prince" he managed, still flushing nervously.

"You've been slacking lately" he responded matter-of-factly, looking the other way with an amused grin. Roman gasped, feigning cries of sorrow. "You wound me, babe!"

Virgil just shook his head fondly, reaching for the sketchbook he had just spotted laying on the ground. "Lemme see" he muttered, straining his arm.

Roman snapped and it suddenly appeared in his outstretched hand, Virgil pouted "Stop showing off, conjuring that stuff is tiring..." Roman just shrugged, flipping through the pages until he stopped at one. Presumably the one of Virgil. 

Holy shit, this is amazing...

"Roman, this is awesome! It looks just like me...you even got my naturally anxious frown and my insomniac eyebags! 11 out of 10 my kind sir!" he beamed, studying the flawless piece, still in denial of his talent. "An hour? this took you only an hour?" he said in disbelief, only half-registering the flustered blush spreading on Romans face. 

Sitting up, he analyzed the picture. Perfect figure...on point expression...the folds in the jacket were accurate (how does one do that?). Everything was realistic and proportioned...it was these things that made Virgil wish he was artistically talented. At least, like Princey.

"Holy shit, my boyfriends an artist!" he exclaimed, pressing a kiss to Romans hot skin. The flattered  prince smiled shyly "Is it really that good?"

"Of course, you overrated prince charming!" he scolded, hitting his shoulder with the book. Roman giggled like a school-girl with a crush. "Thanks, babe." he kissed his cheek, probably laughing at the awestruck expression painted on Virgil's face.

Damn, he was lucky to have Roman.


haha so the updates are going to be once a month-ish, bc i can't commit. Although ill write when im in the mood. Thank you, and see you later :) 

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