Do i make you flustered? (Prinxiety Request!)

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Thanks for the request! Means a lot to me!
Virgil and Roman were Home alone today, as Patton and Logan had just left for a Camping trip.
Virgil sat on tumblr and Roman started to approach the dark trait, they had been dating for about a month, and the two other traits decided to 'give them some space'.
"Hey hot topic" Roman said, wanting to slowly mess with Virgil.
He watched as a flash of panic set on Virgil's face, but was gone in a flash, instead being replaced by a look of bore.
"Aw, you think I'm hot" he said slyly.
Roman nodded his head "Yes, in fact."
Virgil spit out his drink, sputtering.
"W-w-what did you say?" He coughed out in disbelief
"I said your hot. Would you like me to...elaborate?" The prince breathed in his ear
Virgil's face went red at that "u-uh, no-aH" He said, covering his crimson face.
"¿No te encanta cuando te pongo nervioso?" Roman purred seductively.
Virgil snorted, completely spazzing out.
"¿Te hago feliz?"
"I-I dOnT-t know what your sAYING" Virgil yelled, trying (and failing) to hide his blushing mess of a face.
He was so fucked....
Roman leaned into him, grabbing his wrists and pinning him to the wall.
Roman leaned into Virgil's neck, slowly caressing his cheek.
Virgil froze, as he felt Roman lips succ at (* ̄︶ ̄*) his necc.
Virgil clapped a hand over his mouth as a fucking moan slipped out.
Roman smirked, going in for the kill "so this is your sensitive spot?"
Virgil put his hands over Romans face "no..."
A shriek could be heard as Roman lunged.
He left a hickey.
"Did you just call me ramen?" Roman said, pausing.
Virgil snorted "no, I obviously called you roman" he said, taking this chance to slip out of Romans grasp.
Roman saw what he was trying to do and stopped his escape pursuits.
"Dammit" Virgil mumbled, face going red again.
"Do I make you flustered? Virgil?" Roman mumbled, smirking once more.
"Y-yes-NoO" Virgil voice cracced, ruining the effect.
Roman snorted "Alright I'm done now, Thanks for putting up with that you flustered baby" he said, giving his boyfriend a warm smile.
Virgil glared "your lucky I'm even talking to you!" He said, Turing away.
Roman gave him an apologetic smile "come on babe, I was only playing"
Virgil gave him the silent treatment
"Aw, I'm sowwy" he purred, swooping up his love so he could carry him to the couch. He heard the tiniest squeak from Virgil, who clung onto him with a worried expression "don't you drop me"
Roman sat down on the couch, cradling the emo trait in his arms.
He peppered him with kisses, ignoring weak protests from Virgil to Stop.
"Your so cute" Roman mumbled
Virgil laughed
"I don't know how I ended up so lucky" he said, booping his boyf on the nose.
"Your blush is cute, Your ticks are cute, Your face is cute, Your hoodie is cute. You. Are. Cute."
Roman praises the dark trait, because somebody needed to let him know how cute he was.
When Roman was finished, Virgil hugged him, falling asleep on his lap.
The two cuddled like that until both were asleep.
Logan and Patton camp Home the next morning, and Patton had gained at least a dozen more pictures for blackmail.

Short and sweet....thank you for requesting this! I actually had a blast writing this :D
Au revoir!!

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