Truth or truth (Logan/Patton Roman/Virgil)

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The quartet of traits had calmed down, fixed the glass problem, and had their fill of snacks. It was time for....
*dramatic pause*
Truth or dare...
It was unanimous that Logan go first, even though he was grumbling about it.
"Ok...Patton...Truth or dare?" Logan inquired
Patton bounced a little
"Ooo! Hm...truth"
Logan sighed
"What Galaxy is your most preferred?"
Vigil rolled his eyes
Patton's face dropped in thought and confusion
"The....Milky way?" He said slowly
Logan raised an eyebrow "oh...that's...original"
"Mine, is the highly complex and stunning elliptical galaxy, vast and beautiful...a true wonder to scientist"
Patton listened intently, waiting for Logan to end his ramble
"Ok, Virgil! Truth or dare??"
"Um..truth "
Patton narrowed his eyes
"What's you happiest moment?"
The amount of time it took for the dark trait to think of one was painful, and it was enough time to break Patton's heart.
"Ok..." vigils cheeks flushed "when...wehcubbledoncoushhatonetim"
His words were a jumbled mess
"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that kiddo!" Patton said
Vigil huffed "remember that one time we cuddled on the couch?"
Patton's eyes widened as he squealed, tackling vigil and hugging him. Vigil tried to hide his blush, but Roman could see the blush and his smiling face, it was adorable...
Once vigil had enough, he gently shoved Patton off of him, sitting up and fixing his hair.
"Awwww. You do love us virge!!!" Roman mocked, elbowing him. He scowled, narrowing his eyes at Roman.
"Princey, truth or dare?"
The evil grin that broke out on the dark traits face said that it was a mistake.
"I dare you to....find Thomas and serenade him!" Romans smile dropped from his face, while vigils grin widened. A flash of determination made its way to his face, and he sat up, dusting off himself "I, Prince Roman ACCEPT" he proclaimed, walking away to find Thomas.
"I have a camera, let's follow him." Vigil snickered and slinked over to where Roman had just left. Patton and Logan shared a look, following.
They came upon a horrific sight, of vigil filming a dancing Roman and a confused Thomas. Roman was "preforming" What the heck I gotta do from 21st Chump Street. And failing miserably.
As soon as Roman caught sight of Virgil his cheeks flushed, and his ears. He stopped what he was doing, running at a fleeing Virgil, the two ran around the small apartment, with Virgil hiding the phone and its hilarious footage.
Patton sighed, unable to stop the two.
"What....?" Thomas sputtered
"It was a dare"
(Time skip cuz I'm lazzzzzzYYYY)
Roman and vigil had calmed down, with the quarreling traits shooting each other murderous looks only now and then.
Roman rolled his eyes and decided to ask Logan
"Truth or-"
"Okay. Who is your favorite and why"
Patton knew this would somehow end in heartbreak, but when he was about to intervene, Logan spoke
"None, it is illogical to pick a favorite, it would surely break one of your hearts, or damage your egos, or just make you depressed. Also, what good would it do to pick one. I love how Patton makes me feel emotions, how Roman so easily imagines things and ideas, and Virgil's knowledge of reality" he ended his speech, leaving the traits stunned.
The logical trait adjusted his glasses, and cleared his throat.
"Virgil. Truth or dare"
Virgil shook his head, breaking out of his trance
"Um. Truth?"
"What sort of things happen in your anxious mind? And I will know if your lying, I will know"
Virgil looked frozen with the question
"Uh...anxiety?" He said sheepishly
Logan gave him the look
"I live in a constant state of fear and misery...I know I'm morbid at times but that's how I like to be..." he began, upon seeing their shocked faces he smirked
"Those are just song lyrics, don't take it that seriously"
They let out a breath of air.
"But a song that does describe my mind is Migraine, by 21 Pilots"
Only Roman seemed to know the song
"Oh....I'm sorry Virgil" he started
"S'okay" Virgil mumbled. While Logan and Patton just looked confused.
The air was tense, and an uncomfortable silence fell upon the traits.
"PATTON, truth or dare?"
They all jumped at the sudden noise, leaving the quartet stunned for half a moment .
"Uh. Truth"
Virgil groaned "I'm not good at these. But maybe I have a good one in mind"
Patton waited patiently, as Virgil prepared his truth.
"Who do youuuuuuuu.....liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike?"
Everyone mad Sounds of surprise at Patton's unsubtle answer, Logan doubling over with pink cheeks and widened eyes.
"W-what? H-h-w-sh-aghhhh??" Logan sputtered, speechless. For the first time in a while, Logan was at a loss for words.
Patton beamed, this was too cute. Virgil's disgusted and confused expression, romans gleeful and stunned silence, and Logan's....whatever that was...
"Alright! Moving on" virgil cried.
Patton wiggled his eyebrows "Roman"
Gleeful laughing could be heard "k-kiss *gasp v-Virgil!" He cried, laughs dying down to little giggles.
Roman and Virgil made mock disgust noises "I've already had to do that once today! Never again" Virgil yelled, his cheeks reddening.
Roman nodded violently "kiss Doom and Gloom? In your dreams!"
The opposing traits scoffed at one another until the dreaded "chicken" taunt was thrown.
The two looked at each other, and Virgil quickly grabbed Romans sash, pulling him close and tilting their heads so they could kiss without error. It was Virgil who pulled away first, looking at Roman with an intensity Patton had never seen before.
Roman stared right back with fierceness and a challenge in his eyes, as if to say "Let's go again" Logan and Patton watched the silent exchange, finally breaking the tense silence by giving a meaningful cough. Virgil entire face turned red this time, and Roman turned away quickly.
Needles to say both pairs had an....eventful night.
I hath sinned, my Lord.
Uh, this ended very abruptly, and idek. Th next one shot is in the works
Based of off this thing that I made up:
R: *looking sexy w/makeup on*
V: *flustered and stupid*
P: *fan girling in the corner*
L: *has no clue what's even going on*
I suggest you go listen to migraine....RIGHT NOW.
Au Revoir!!

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