How well do you really know each other? (No ship)

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I'm letting you know now, that their answers to the questions are just my opinion.
Thomas thought that on a nice Saturday night, they should play some "party games"
And here was that 'nice Saturday night'
"Alright! Patton, Logan, Roman, Virgil. We are going to play a game that I made up!"
Virgil groaned, Roman muttered, Patton gave a whoop of excitement, and Logan just waited for Thomas to explain.
"Ok, here are the rules! Basically, I will be the host. I will ask a simple question, and you will answer it, it's like a 'getting to know' kind of game. For example, what is Patton's favorite color? Then all of you (except Patton) will say what you think it is. After everyone has submitted their answer, Patton will reveal his favorite color. And if you got it right, you get a point."
Everyone nodded
"First to 20 points wins!" Thomas finished
Every trait settled into their seats, while Thomas took out cards.
Seeing everyone's confused looks, he explained "oh, the questions are on here"
"Ok. First question. What is Patton's favorite color?"
Everyone had a look of thought on their face.
Virgil nodded
Roman smiled
Logan just straightened his tie
Thomas nodded "ok, three two one!"
"Yellow" everyone said
Patton squealed "you know me so well!!!"
All the traits sighed.
Thomas gave everyone a point, moving onto the next question.
"Ok, What is Logan's Favorite animal?"
Everyone stiffened
"Oh come on! This is easy."
Virgil gave a grin "is it a chimpanzee?"
Roman shook his head "no, it's gotta be a walrus. Right??"
Patton looked at Logan "a unicorn??"
Logan snorted "a unicorn isn't an animal, but good guess"
Patton slumped in his chair "oh. Well, I don't know then" he fixed his face.
All but Virgil had noticed the flash of sadness in his eyes. The dark trait frowned
"Patton" he said
"Yes kiddo?"
Virgil gave him the look.
Patton relaxed, giving him a warm smile.
Virgil nodded, satisfied.
Thomas coughed "ok, Logan?"
"No, my favorite animal is an eagle. You guys are terrible, but a chimpanzee is a close second" Logan said, pushing up his glasses.
"Ok? Next question. What kind of eyeshadow does Virgil use?"
Virgil narrowed his eyes "how do you know that??"
Thomas shrugged "Ive been planning this for a while"
The others looked stumped.
"Um. I'm not good with makeup" Patton said, defeated.
"Oh! I know, it's gotta be NYX! They're very professional" Roman exclaimed
Virgil looked shocked
Thomas nodded his head "correct. Roman gets a point"
Virgil looked at the ground, puzzled. "How did he know?" He whispered under his breath.
Roman gave him a smug look.
Thomas chuckled "ok, what is romans favorite non-Disney song?"
"Oh god, how am I supposed to know that??" Virgil groaned
Roman looked down "this is easy!"
Patton squealed "you've told me this! It's Havana!"
Virgil gave him a look of disgust "ew! Havana? Really"
Roman looked offended "excuse me? I could say the same about your emo bands!"
Virgil growled "you little-"
"Guys! Calm down, Virgil, Roman can like whatever music he likes, and Roman, don't insult Virgil's music"
Roman grumbled while Virgil's apologized
"sorry Patton"
"It's ok kiddo"
Thomas nodded "Patton gets a point"
(Whoops I totally forgot Logan existed for a sec, sorry Logan!)
Logan muttered "you kept skipping me"
Thomas rolled his eyes "oh shush. Ok, next question. What's Logan's fave band?"
"Pink Floyd" everyone said
"Correct" logan nodded, smiling.
(Time skip brought to you by my lazy ass)
The score was
Patton: 9
Roman: 8
Virgil: 10
Logan: 8
"Alright, here come some deep questions. This is a bOnDinG activity after all" Thomas said
"What is Virgil's biggest fear?"
The others looked at Virgil
Patton was the only one who spoke "being forgotten"
Thomas looked surprised "Patton gets a point"
Everyone looked at Virgil
"what?" Virgil hissed
Everyone looked away
Great Virgil, you've ruined the mood.
Virgil shrunk into his seat.
"Next question, Who is romans favorite trait?"
Romans face reddened "THOMAS"
The others (except for poor, oblivious, Virgil) looked smug
"Patton and Logan get a point"
Virgil poked up at a sputtering Roman.
"What? But you hate me!"
Roman looked offended "why would you think that??"
Virgil just looked down.
Thomas moved on.
"What does Logan hate about himself?"
Logan stayed calm as ever.
Patton sighed "I don't know why, but he dosent like how he's. Know-it-all"
"What?? But he's not even that annoying!" Roman said
"Gee. Thanks" Logan muttered
Virgil rolled his eyes "I will fight you" he said in his best Patton voice.
Logan snorted "Alright dad"
Patton chuckled "oh Stop it you guys"
Thomas smiled "Patton's in the lead"
"Ok, what does Patton see himself as?"
Virgil looked annoyed "for some reason, he thinks he's unbearably childish"
Patton looked at Virgil "hm."
Logan snorted "you are the dad of the group, that's very untrue"
Everyone nodded in agreement "we love you Patton!" Roman exclaimed.
Patton beamed
(A Time skip brought to you by this Spotify playlist I've been listening to on repeat for fire hours)
The score was now
Patton: 18
Logan: 17
Roman:18 1/2 (don't ask)
Virgil: 19 (surprisingly)
Thomas smiled slyly "last question and it's worth five points"
Everyone leaned forward
"What is....My favorite song"
everyone shouted
"How are we supposed to know??"
Thomas noticed Patton was quiet "its Trains, Fifty ways to say goodbye"
Thomas jumped up "PATTON WINS THE GAME!"
The room erupted into chaos
Patton giggled, sitting back in his chair.
"How about I order a pizza?"
Everyone froze, looking at him.
Virgil raced off to set the table,
Logan grabbed the phone and gave it to Patton
Roman went to turn on the porch light
Thomas snickered
"That isn't even my favorite song"
Oof its 1000 words yayayaya (well, including the authors notes its 1000) but you get the point.
This was pretty fun.
Also constructive criticism is very very welcome.
Au revoir!!

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