Easter Eggs! (No ship/Easter Special)

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''Twas the night before Christmas
When all through the house
Not a creature was stirring
Not even a mou-
Now now, this is not Christmas, this is Easter.
But it was kind of accurate, there was almost nobody awake. (Well, Virgil does not count)
All except for a silent figure who was boiling the eggs for Easter.
He had finished up, placing the hardened eggs (roughly 3 dozen) in their containers for the morning.
"Alrighty now, you just gotta get the pancakes going and then you'll be on time" he hummed to himself, while stirring the mix.
The sun was just peaking above the horizon, revealing a very, very, tired Patton.
He half spun, half stumbled around the kitchen, making, cooking and even eating (just the flukes) the pancakes, he had originally tried to create them all to be egg-shaped, but Patton found the regular old circles would still do the trick.
He worked like that until the table had been set, the room cleaned, the food prepped, and lastly, the traits called.
Patton decided that Logan would come down on his own, so he'd go to his first so Patton could surprise him with breakfast.
Patton quickly hopped (hehe, like a bunny) upstairs, until he was outside Logan's natural blue door.
He raise his fist to softly knock, only to hit a soft tie.
Logan straightened his glasses and cleared his throat
"Happy Easter, Patton. I assume you've made pancakes?"
Patton beamed "you know me so well!"
Logan gave him a tiny but warm smile "thanks"
Patton grabbed his hands, dragging Logan downstairs to see his work.
"Wow, this is nice Patton. You've really outdone yourself this year! Of course you've done the eggs....made the coffee, pancakes, orange juice, set the table....oh my, I don't know what we do with out you"
Patton gushed "aw, it's nothing. How did you sleep?" He asked, seating Logan and handing him the newspaper.
Logan wrinkled his nose "how did you sleep. This must have taken hours"
Patton's smile dropped "oh, it's not important...."
Logan snorted "we both know it's very important. Your very important"
Patton smiled a little "ok, I did not get as much sleep last night...But! I promise to get lots of sleep tonight" he assured the logical trait
Logan nodded "Roman should be waking up any time now"
Patton gasped "oh! I need to go wake him up!" He said racing away to Romans room.
As suspected, Roman was waking up. But Patton could still be there to wish him a good morning. Patton walked slowly to the side of His king-sized bed, tapping the yawning trait on the shoulder "Good morning Roman! Also, happy Easter" he sort of loudly whispered.
Roman waved his hand in the air blindly "mornin pattom, eappy haster..." he muttered, waking up.
Patton sighed "hm, wakey wakey Roman. There's pancakes downstairs"
At this, Roman opened his eyes fully, looking Patton in the eyes "really?" He asked
Patton nodded
Roman was gone in a flash, the only trace being a whoosh of air.
Patton shook his head happily, oh how he loved his family!
He walked downstairs to see Roman piling pancakes onto his plate
"Woah! Slow down, three at a time buddy!" He said, putting Romans fork down, he huffed but did as he was told, mumbling a 'thank you' through his food-filled mouth.
Logan shook out his paper "shouldn't you wake Virgil?" He asked, sipping his coffee
Patton shook his head "he's alrea—um, yes I suppose I should" he fixed his sentence before Logan could press.
He walked upstairs, knocking softly on the youngest traits door. He heard a small 'come in' and proceeded to enter the room, laying down on the messy bed next to a hunched over Virgil.
Patton rubbed soothing circles on the dark traits back, leaning to look at Virgil's face.
At first he thought he saw eyeshadow, but was really just bags.
Virgil looked at him, cracking a smile "Happy Easter, Patton" He said, yawning a little. Patton couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity, the poor trait couldn't get much sleep most nights and he still got up to work with Thomas.
Patton smiled at him "morning Virgil, there are pancakes downstairs if your hungry, which I imagine you are"
Virgil just yawned "thanks Dad, I'll be down in a minute"
Patton nodded, it was cute when Virgil was overly tired, he tended to call Patton 'dad' when he was sleepy.
The fatherly trait slipped outside, walking downstairs.
Roman had finished his stack and was laying back contently, while Logan had just about finished his coffee and two pancakes with strawberries on top.
Patton took out the eggs and colored water they used every year. Seeing Virgil trudge down the steps with his familiar jacket, Patton went to greet and seat him.
Once he'd seated Virgil and the trait had finished his food, thanking him multiple times, he cleared the table.
Patton ran into his room to get the easter baskets, bringing them out he set them on the table.
Romans was a red and white basket with lots of candies, skin care products and a gift card to Starbucks in it, he squealed upon seeing it, thanking Patton a million time three times.
Logan's was a dark blue and white basket with books, a reading light, and a 50$ gift card to Barnes and noble.
"This is cool Patton, I thank you with the utmost fondness" he said. Patton just smiled.
Virgil's was a purple and black basket that held a Evanescence CD, some candies, brand new headphones, and a ITunes gift card. Virgil looked at the basket with wonder, holding it with care. He whispered a thank you about ten times.
Patton sighed with relief, everyone loved their basket.
"Ah, Patton, I believe Roman has your basket" Logan said
"Logan! It was supposed to be a surprise!" Roman sputtered
Virgil rolled his eyes, placing a large pastel blue basket on the table "I got this Princey"
Patton gasped...inside the basket was-
"Stuffed animals? Candy? Cheese puffs? OH MY-"
There, in the center stood the largest chocolate bunny Patton had ever seen! It was like 2 feet tall!
The other sides just gave a small "Ta-Da!" Pushing it all forward. Patton hugged all of them
"You guys! I love you all so much!!!!" He wailed happily.
Logan took all the baskets and placed them on the floor "let's get to the Easter eggs, shall we?" He said, rubbing his hands together.
(Time skip brought to you by ABBAS "dancing queen")
They had all set up the table together, and decided to let Patton do the first egg.
As they predicted, he dipped it into the yellow, swirling the colored water around and around.
"HAPPY EASTER!" They all yelled.
While Virgil dipped his egg into the nearest deep violet, and then dipping it quickly into the blue, giving it that galaxy look. Roman dipped his in the darkest red, keeping it there for quite some time. Logan took out a white crayon, writing some designs on the egg before he dipped it in the robins-egg blue.
The morning slowly went on like this, with Virgil sticking to Purples, Blues, and greens.
Roman staying with Sunset colors (Red, Pink, Orange, Yellow)
Logan going with primary colors like blue, red, and yellow
And Patton opening up all categories. He even managed to create a rainbow egg!
Once they had all had their fun, they stood back and admired their work.
Admittedly, Patton was the best, but they'd all had fun! That was all that mattered really.
They put all their dried eggs into a bowl and took a picture.
They all settled down on the couch.
(Time skip brought to you by these DragonCity notifications that annoy the hell out of me)
They found a sticky not that said:
"Hey! It's Thomas. While I'm seeing the fam, you guys get to have an Easter egg Hunt! Ain't that just dandy?"
Logan grumbled about how "ain't" wasn't a real word, but still read the note
"I have hid exactly 30 eggs around the house. None in your rooms though! Good luck!"
(Ps, there are baskets in the main room)
the traits groaned (all except for Patton)
"Do you remember the last time we tried an Easter egg hunt?" Roman whined
Virgil shuddered "oh I remember"
Logan raised an eyebrow "this is highly childish."
Patton rolled his eyes "oh shush. Roman, get the baskets please"
Roman ran off to find them, soon coming back and handing every trait their basket. "Ok. So....we start NOW"
He disappeared in a flash, with a grumbling Virgil on his tail "NO FAIR"
Patton chuckled "come on Logan, let's look together"
Logan nodded, already spotting a purple egg from behind the couch. The two went off to find their eggs.
Roman shoved Virgil to the ground as soon as he saw the egg Virgil had been going for.
Virgil quickly grabbed Princeys leg, making the egotistical trait face plant directly into the ground, groaning.
Virgil snickered, dashing to get his egg when suddenly
Roman had jumped right on top of him, sending them rolling into the wall.
"Owwww" they both moaned.
Roman reached out a hand dramatically "so close....but so...far" he said, crawling slowly to the egg. Feeling a tug on his pant leg, he was yanked backwards by the emo trait.
"Oh no you don't, I saw...it first" the trait huffed, slowly getting up.
Oh no....where had the egg gone???? "ITS NOT THERE" Virgil screeched
Roman saw a flash of light and dark blue....and then he saw Logan shake the egg they had just fought for in frost of them before dissolving into thin air.
"LOGANNNNNNNNNNNN" Roman howled dramatically.
"They-they took my egg!" Virgil growled
Roman held out his hand "team for now so we can beat those scum?"
Virgil smirked, taking it "team"
Roman pulled him off the ground "I've got an idea"
Roman leaned into Virgil's ear, whispering something.
Virgil's grin widened into a maniacs smile.
"On it" He said, racing away.
Roman went to set of phase one of their plan.
Logan laughed as him and Patton ran away from the screeching Roman.
"I can't believe we did that" he laughed. The two had collected a total of 11 eggs. "We've got 29 more eggs to go. Have you seen any?" Patton asked him. Logan shook his head, still grinning.
They stayed like that for as much time as they could spare "Let's check the kitchen" Patton said.
Logan silently agreed.
They had no idea.....
Roman kept his watch on the kitchen
"Chhhh. Roman, are you in position?. Chhh"
Roman clicked the walkie-talkie
"Chhhh. Yes. Operation fuck Logan is a go. Over. Chhhh"
"Chhh. Find a better name for this plan or so help me-"
Roman chuckled lightly.
Now for the magic...
"I FOUND SOME! AT LEAST A WHOLE STASH!" He screeched at the top of his Lungs.
Sure enough, he heard crazy foot steps.
He turned on the camera.
Logan and Patton came running in, only realizing two late that they had just run into a minefield of marbles.
They had only a moment to slow, and a moment wasn't enough to prevent them from crashing into the kitchen, sliding and falling to the floor...their eggs rolling everywhere.
"Chhh. Go Virgil, go! Chhh"
He turned off the camera, watching Virgil silently tiptoe in an collect almost all of their eggs that had fallen out!
Roman sped away, running to the established hiding place (in Virgil's room) quickly.
They met up at Virgil's doorway, hearing shouts from the kitchen "go! Go!!" Virgil urged, shoving Roman into his room.
The two burst in, putting their eggs into a bag tied to the attic door.
They squealed "omg, I cant believe we just did that!"
Virgil huffed and puffed, while counting the eggs they had total "28...we need two more to win!"
Roman smiled "we've already won"
Logan and Patton had to recover their pride, which had disappeared as their eggs had just a few moments ago.
Patton held on the lone survivor "aw. This little yellow guy is still here!"
Logan hissed "I don't care. Those two...they....they CHEATED!" He yelled.
Patton crawled to him "it's ok. It's still fun! And their finally getting Along" he reassured him.
Logan sighed "I suppose"
(Time skip brought to you by my introvertedness)
Thomas had arrived Home...and the apartment looked like a bomb had gone off. Toppled bookcases, broken plates, torn papers...broken vases? AND A DENT IN THE WALL???
"WHAT HAPPENED?" He shouted.
Down the stairs stumbled four fuming traits.
As he could see....Roman And Virgil we're a team, and Patton Plus Logan were a team too.
"Did you get the note I left you?" Thomas asked, tapping his foot.
The others made noises of disapproval
"We. Are. Never. Doing. An. Easter. Egg. Hunt. Ever. Again." They all hissed in unison.
Thomas raised an eyebrow "I'm ordering pizza"
The others brightened
"After you clean this apartment from bottom to top"
The all whined
Each trait disappeared to get cleaning stuff.
Thomas laid down, feeling a little bump in the couch, he lifted the cushion, only to see a little blue egg laying there.
"Um, I think you missed one!" He yelled
2257 words wowza that's a lot!
Au revoir!

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