He makes it up (pt 2 of the Clingy Roman Story)

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Virgil was tired, he really was. First, his favorite pair of headphones snapped this morning, after he fell off his bed and onto the poor device, then, his pancake got burnt (he didn't blame Patton, it was amazing enough that he even made them all pancakes daily. it didn't stop a certain prince from complaining though...) and now this?! Roman getting drunk? He didn't live and breath for this kind of shit, ok? 

The worst part of it all though, Princey called him cute (he wasn't cute, he was menacing) and he probably wouldn't even remember doing so.

It was perfect. The first time he had managed to get close with Princey (The really hot prince that he was NOT crushing on, ahem.), he turned out to be wasted.

"Psst. Roman. Are you awake?.....no? ok...ugh, if he doesn't answer then he isn't Virgil, probably doesn't even like you..." he muttered to himself. 

This whole scenario got his mind turning...the alcohol, that is.  

Where did he even get that alcohol from anyways? Virgil thought to himself, walking out of the princes room, and down the hallway to the safety of his dark abode.

... (2 hours later) ...

Virgil had successfully stayed in  his room for the time being. Patton loved to come in and make sure he got sunlight, in a metaphorical sense. But anyways, Virgil was, as always, listening to his music and on Tumblr when Roman burst through the door and whipped his head around. 

When his eyes found Virgil, he shouted "WHAT HAPPENED?!" and then proceeded to grab his head, no doubt because of the hangovers effects. 

Virgil urged the blood not to rise to his pale cheeks. he looked back at his phone and ignored the outburst from his opposite side. 

"Nothing much. you waltzed down stairs, drunk as fuck and shouted things at me and Patton. then...uh, then we brought you upstairs together and you went to sleep in your bed." He said, trying to keep his voice level. 

He doesn't need to know our...close parts. That would just prompt him to make fun of me. 

Virgil thought that he saw uncertainty in romans eyes, but if he did, it was a very brief moment, perhaps not even there at all (for he did have a habit of imagining things).

Roman sighed, smiling, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. Virgil gestured with his eyes to the door, indicating that the prince was no longer welcome.

"Ah. that is, good. I will be going...farewell, Virgil" He said, turing around to the door.

Virgil went back to his normal Tumblr scrolling when Roman whipped around and ran up to the dark trait.

"no, that is not all....Virgil. When i woke up from my slumber, i saw you leave....and you were mumbling something about me hating you...do you really think this way?" He said, looking directly into Virgils eyes.

Virgil froze, quivering slightly.

for truth be told, he thought that roman did hate him...He made it very clear! he always teased him, he made it blatant that Virgil was not wanted, and outright told him he didn't like the anxious trait. It was obvious, of course. Roman simply hated Virgil, their personalities completely opposed the other, and they were two very different traits. Anxiety cancels out ones dreams, so it made sense. He hated him. End of story.

As for how Virgil felt about Roman...

"Virgil?" Roman said softly

And then, Virgil Broke.

He couldn't help it, all of his bottled feelings and horrible emotions just poured out, all in one salty, watery mess. he finally caved in on himself, letting every messy thing escape from his tight grasp. It was all a mess

He was a mess.

A real anxious mess.

But suddenly, he wasn't alone and crying alone. there were...arms...wrapped around him. He didn't question it for too long though, he just let himself fall into the warm embrace, curling in on himself, with the persons whole body cradling his. It was perfect.

Until he looked up at his captivator and saw who it was. None other than sir sing a lot.

Virgil shoved his comfort away forcefully

"Hey!" Princey protested indignantly, stepping forward again.

"Roman, its no secret. you do hate me! you say it all the time, you call me names, tell me i'm not wanted, you hate me!" Virgil cried, hyperventilating slightly. he looked at his knees, the wall, his phone...anywhere but the prince in front of him.

all that was left was silence when he finished his rant, staying quiet for quite a while...until the Prince made his move.

Roman lifted Virgils chin, looking beneath the purple bangs that hid his pale face. "How could you think that, My fair Vigril...you couldn't be more wrong. I've never, ever, hated you...in fact...y-your the one that I solely love!" he exclaimed.

Virgil froze once more, His mind reeling

Roman seemed to sense this...but he wasn't sure how to help the dark trait, how do you help someone whos just had a love confession bombshell dropped on his head??

Frowning slightly, Roman snapped in front of his face. "Virgil?" he said, breaking him out of his little trance.

once he calmed down slightly, the anxious boys eyes searched Romans for any sign of...anything...

Grabbing the princes sash, he pulled him down to his height, kissing him fiercely for what seemed to be a million years.

It was sloppy, it was bad, and hair got in Virgils mouth...and he couldn't breath for quite some time, but it was a kiss...Virgils, first kiss, in fact.

It was a messy one, but wasn't Virgil a mess too?

Yeah, he supposed he was.


"Btw Virgie, I had no clue you had a secret alcohol stash in your room, what nerve!" 

As soon as he said it, he was out the door.


Roman and Vigil both tripped and fell down the stairs because they were running way too fast.


Heyo. i got a hold of something to write with, it going grrrr8. So, for the next five days i will be at a camp! itll be gr8. So that means i wont be able to update or post a chapter, wooo. also, we got 100 votes, i cant believe it. gr8. gr8888888888



dont ask why.

Au Revoir!!

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