I'd never noticed....(that your eyes sparkel) (Prinxitey)

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It was a normal movie night(or as normal as four separate traits of one individuals brain could be)
the four traits had all there onesies on.
Romans was much like his regular outfit, but cute crowns dotted the suit (in Virgil's eyes it was adorable...what no, it wasn't. Roman was the worst, ask anyone.)
Patton had his usual cat onesie, as was rocking it, as usual :3. He loved snuggling with a flustered Logan ;)
Logan's was also like his normal outfit, it was a gray/black onesie with a blue tie on the front. It was funny when he went to adjust it, but upon realizing it was attached, he would look around, embarrassed. Aw, what a cute Logan.
Virgil's was what you would expect, a black cat. (Not to mention Roman liked what he saw. Me-ow) (I'm sorry)
Well, they had settled on the movie brave. As it was one of romans favorites (female empowerment, woo) and Virgil had taken his rightful ant-social spot on the chair, instead of the couch like everyone else.
The movie had gone ok, but Virgil was out like a light. In fact, the others had stood around him and cooed at his sleepy state.
Roman had finally figured out life's purpose. To see an Emo Virgil in a cat onesie, snuggled into it, curled up on a chair, with messy hair and drool pooling in his open mouth.
Life's. Purpose.
Patton sighed "he's so relaxed when he's like this, all this 'putting up walls' and 'mr. Tough guy' stuff has got to be tough" he said this all under his breath, but both had heard.
Roman was confused "what do you-"
"Sorry, what do you mean 'act'?"
"Oh, well he's really just a frightened kiddo who has many walls. You may think of him as this tough emo, but really he's just been broken and hurt..." Patton trailed off, running his hands through his own hair.
Roman nodded, looking at Virgil's illuminated face.
What secrets did it hold?
All of a sudden, Virgil shifted and made grabbing motions in the air, his hand made his way to Romans arms.
He latched on and acted like the princes arms were his life support, in a way, they were.
Virgil yanked him closer, rubbing his cheek on princeys arm, like a cat. And oh my godddd it was adorable. (:3)
Roman knelt down and laid his head against Virgil's, keeping still.
Logan looked at the two with a skeptical face "Roman, don't wake him. Sleep is vital for-"
Patton nudged him "they're having a bOnDinG moment!"
"One isn't even awake! They cannot bond if one isn't conscious"
Patton rolled his eyes fondly "that's enough out of you, Mr. Calculator"
Logan smiled, kissing his lovers forehead.
"You charmer, you" Patton said sweetly. He really was lucky to have Logan.
Roman learned his throat softly "um, get a rooooooooom!" He cried, smirking...
"W-wha....?" Virgil mumbled
"Look what you did, you woke him"
"I did no such thing"
Virgil helped and let go of Romans arm, pushing away "I sorry!"
"No need, your so cute when you sleep!"
"I can't tell if that's flattering or creepy" Virgil pointed out
"Both" Logan suggested
Virgil shook his head, how could he have cuddled romans arm???
Roman watched him, how hadn't he seen how pretty Virgil's eyes were before????
Next, Roman preformed the unthinkable.
"You eyes...I'd never noticed how much they sparkle" He gaped at the now widening eyes
"W-what—wha...?" The dark trait stammered, flushing badly.
Roman then brushed away a strand of Virgil's hair, hearing Virgil mumble something like
Logan and Patton slowly moved away, giving the two some room to....express their feelings
Virgil wrinkled his cute button nose "Roman...what's gotten into you?"
Roman and Virgil, sat there for the longest while, taking in each other's features.
Virgil had faint freckles and a slim, fragile body. He had pale skin that lit up when shone upon, his lips were pale and (oh so kissable) he eyeshadow was barley visible, and his eyes...oh they were magnets of swarming galaxies. Roman got sucked in, but he never wanted to look away, for fear he'd miss out on the beauty.
Roman was muscular and built like a football player, his hair fell neatly over his eyes and his hood was up above this head, Virgil Noticed that his skin was a golden, blushy blond color, that really made him cute.
While Virgil's eyes were endless and starry, Romans were warm and calming. All of his fears and troubles we were absorbed into the warm depths of  Romans eyes, he was at peace with everything.
Warm, soft lips were being pressed against Virgil's, and he was melting in Romans arms, the kiss was long, passionate, needed. They really loved each other, that was for sure.
The night was a silent one, full of steadily breathing and calming cuddles.
They woke up in a mess of tangled limbs, with sunlight streaming onto their sleeping faces.
Patton had changed his screen saver that day too.
Oof finally. My friendo has been helping not so much ;( but I lover her. lOvE yOu aLLy!
Au revoir I'm fi king t I r Ed

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