Angsty Pizza night (part two of how well do you know each other)

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This was kind of a requestXrequest. Somebody requested a part two, and someone requested some Prinxiety angst turned to yea.
They all sat at the table, munching loudly on their pizza.
Roman could help but think back to when Virgil said that his fear was being forgotten.
We'd never forget him. He knows that...right?
Well, anyways, Roman just could not take his eyes off of the emo trait while he slowly nibbled on his cheesy goodness.
They all finished, leaving Logan and Patton to do the dishes, Roman dragged Virgil upstairs to his room.
Once they arrived, Roman turned to the trait with a worried look in his eyes
"Virge? You ok bud?" He said softly
Virgil rubbed his arm "Fine..."
Roman frowned "ok, stop at once because you are clearly in distress."
Virgil snorted "what would you know, Princey? All you've ever done is insult and anger me!" He growled, shooting Roman a deathly glare.
Ouch. That one stung a little.
Roman shrugged is off, he probably was at fault here, but he'd never say that out loud.
Roman shook his head softly "I know, I'm sorry...I haven't been the best.....friend. But I'm here now, can you please look up at me?"
Virgil slowly raised his head to meet Romans secure eyes.
Roman could see fear and worry shining in them, which broke his heart.
Virgil suddenly exploded "I've been feared and hated for so long, Princey. I've been the outcast, I wish I could feel happy like you guys do, Patton's the only one who truly tried to be there, and even he insults me."
He paused, sucking in a breath.
"I'm such a burden."
"I bring all my problems here, expecting you to listen and still like me afterwards. I know you hate me roman, it's no secret. But all I do is bring the bad stuff. All I am is....weak"
He put his hands on his face, sobbing uncontrollably.
"Why can't I Be strong? Or kind? Or just anything that you guys are. I'm just a burden"
He went silent
Roman sat down on the bed, slowly encompassing him with his warm arms.
This poor boy, he thinks that I hate him. Why? I love him with all of my heart, how can he not know that??
All this time...all of this time he's been feeling this way. All the time...
Roman heard the sobs of the trait in his arms, his entire body was shaking and the trait was trying to say something, but Roman couldn't make it out.
"Hey, shhhh. It's ok. I've got you now, your ok" he mumbled
Virgil held him tighter, nuzzling into his necc.
"I'm sorry...I'm sorry...T-thank you, R-Roman, I love you..." He sniffled, burying his face into Romans shirt next.
Roman smiled "I love you too, virgie."
Virgil stiffened, pushing against Roman "that's a terrible nickname, don't ever call me that ever again!" He snorted, wiping his eyes.
Roman smiled "aww, what's wrong virgie? You love it, don't you lie to me, angle" he purred, picking Virgil up Bridal-style. The trait protested, of course, but Roman just booted him on the nose.
Dropping the boy on the bed, he looked at him.
"Yours beautiful. You know that?" He said.
Virgil just blushed furiously
"S-Stop" he mumbled, covering his face.
"Awwwwwww. You so cute, babe"
More mumbling...
Roman placed himself besides the trait, wrapping his arms around him.
They cuddled like that for awhile.
Until eventually, Roman heard the soft breathing of his love.
They slept until morning, completely missing pizza.
Au Revoir!!

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