Roman screwed everyone over

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Tw: Swearing, heavy angst
Virgil raced around the room, trying to stop a seven year old Roman from stabbing a ten year old Logan with his "pirate sword" as he had dubbed it.
"Logannnnnnnn! Play with me pweaseee!!!!" Roman whined
Logan only ran away from Roman.
Ok, so, what happened you ask? Well, Roman fucked with the Dragon witch and screwed Thomas's traits over.
Roman had run frantically into the kitchen that morning screaming about the 'age Curse' and 'dragon witch'
Nobody had known how royally fucked they were about to be.
As soon as Roman said that, there was a blinding light, and every traits age was changed  (except for virge)
Well, here they were...with a frantic Virgil, a seven year old Roman, a ten year old Logan....and a....fifteen year old Patton.
Virgil's age hadn't been changed, for whatever reason, but boy was it hard to take care of a Whiny Logan, a energetic Roman, and an angsty, moody Patton.
Virgil glared at teenage-Patton
"you going to help???" He all but yelled
Patton rolled his eyes and snorted, not even glancing up from his phone "wouldn't you like to know weather boy"
Virgil narrowed his eyes "only I get to be the memey one"
Patton smirked "says the 21 year old with no life"
Virgil growled "you better watch yourself mister"
"Make me"
Virgil gave up Roman, turning to the moody teen.
He snatched Patton's phone "you can have it back when you apologize"
Virgil snorted "try me, bitch"
Patton stomped his foot, dramatically storming to his room, slamming the door
He vaguely heard a screech of emo from upstairs.
Turning his attention back to Roman and Logan, he snatched Romans sword and pointed to the time out corner
Roman screeched
Virgil sighed "get in the corner for five minutes, see what you've learned when you get back out"
Roman whined and cried and screamed, but eventually tired himself out, retreating to the corner thankfully.
" Logan, yaknow, I don't think that seven year old Roman is much different from regular Roman"
Logan just gave him a shiny smile.
Virgil looked at him "What?"
"Um...have you ever had a dream-that you-you wish-that-you want-t-so-you w-you thou- you wished so hard- you thought you could do anything?" He said, putting his hands behind his back.
Virgil nearly doubled over laughing
"Yea, all the time Logan" he smiled.
Logan swung his arms around "me too, I like trains"
Virgil snorted "oh Logan, you're one of a kind"
Virgil looked at the time "oh shit"
Logan opened his mouth, but Virgil beat him to it
"It means nothing, kid. Don't repeat it"
He looked away
"Roman, you can come out now"
He heard a yippe from the corner, seeing Roman jumping over with his hands outstretched.
"Now. Roman, you cannot hit others with this sword anymore. Understood?"
Roman sucked in a breath "undwer stood"
Virgil nodded, carefully handing the sword to him
Virgil sat back on the couch.
"How do we fix this?" He said to himself, watching a dancing Logan and a happy Roman.
he watched as Logan tripped over Roman, opening his mouth wide"
Virgil stared, knowing what the dumb kid would utter out.
Logan kept repeating the curse.
Virgil sighed "LOGAN" he scolded
"What did I tell you??"
Logan began to cry, hiccuping all the while "I-I-I-I'm s-s-sowwwwy!!!!"
Virgil rubbed his neck, he hadn't meant to make the kid cry!
Virgil patted on the cushion beside him "come up here kid"
Logan stopped, but hopped up next to Virgil, snuggling up to him. Virgil held back his cooing, he was tough. Not soft.
Logan started to snore, falling asleep.
Virgil smiled, but he still missed the old Logan.
"I need to get a picture tonight"
Ummmmmmm there will be a part two ;) promiseeee.
Also angsty Patton, I fucking love it.

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