Canoing (part 3 of the Roadtrip)

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It was the second day of the fun-filled camping trip that Patton called "family bonding"
Virgil knew what was coming, and it was the worst idea yet. (Except for the entire trip. That was pretty bad...but Patton had planned this trip with his heart and soul, so Virgil wasn't about to crush him and his horrid dreams).
Well, they had rented two canoes, and they had planned for Roman and Virgil to take the smaller one, and Thomas, Patton, and Logan would take the three-seater.

"Steady yourself Patton! If we do tip, it says here on page 534 that we should—"
"Logan, nobody cares about your canoe book. Chuck it in the water, woudja?"
"Virgil, this is a complex book on physics, density, math—"
"—yes. Canoes"
"Hey, kiddos, let's not fight ok? This is supposed to be a family thing"
"Ok, Patton"
Roman had a brilliant idea. Why not....confess on the lake?
Ok, ok. He knew it sounded stupid, but honestly it sounded fine to him. Virgil would thank him later, he was sure of it!
Ok, not so sure of it, but he'd forgive him eventually.
"Logan, Patton, Thomas. Me and Virgil have something very important to tell you"
Roman saw Virgil double over, face paler than the moon, in the corner of his eye.
"Roman. What the hell?" He whispered frantically
Roman gave him a reassuring, flashy smile.
"You'll never guess, but me and Virgie here, are dating!"
Virgil sputtered on besides him, rocking the canoe way too much
Logan froze, besides a wide-eyed Thomas and Patton who started grabbing each others shoulders and shaking each other violently...too violently
Roman watched it all happen in slow motion, the way the canoe tipped too far over, and how Logan, Patton, and Thomas all took a swim with the fishes.
Roman hugged Virgil tightly "Virgil! Are you not happy with what's happened?? It's all over!"
Virgil hugged him tighter, kissing him softly on his neck.
"Awwwww!!! They're such a cute couple !!!!!" Patton squealed in his high-pitched fan boy voice.
He paused for a second "congratulations Virgil and Roman, while I've had my suspicions, I am glad you came out on your own."
Patton and Thomas beamed at the two lovebirds sitting in their metaphorical 'tree'.
By the time they had figured out the mess with those canoes, it was dusk, and the campsite was waiting for them with its delightful s'mores. The great thing was, now roman and Virgil could cuddle without feeling awkward. well....roman didn't feel awkward, it was in Virgils nature to feel anxious and stuff. 

In the end they shared a blanket and sat by the fire giving each other soft, tiny, loving man kisses on each others cheek and lips. roman was holding his boyfriend close in his arms, and Virgil wrapping his arms around romans waist like he was his anchor (he was). 

Logan, Thomas and Patton all looked at the two. Patton was just happy that his two sons were finally happy with each other, it gave him so much joy to see their normally anxious, sad Virgil happy and in love with their confidant and dramatic Roman. 

"I hope Roman is able to bring Virgil out of his shell. maybe he can teach him how to be confidant ad worry less" Thomas sighed, breaking the comfortable silence.

Logan nodded his head "as much as i envy their relationship, it is nice to see our Virgil and Roman happy with each other"

Patton frowned "don't worry logan! you'll find someone soon"

Poor logan, he cant see himself loving anyone. I wish he knew... Patton Thought to himself sadly.

Thomas started to put together his s'more, and kind of failing miserably. 

Patton smiled "They deserve each other, Roman always had confidence issues, and Virgil has....issues. It doesn't matter, what matters is that we love them, they love each other, and were happy for them"

Thomas and Logan both nodded,. and the three fell back into their comfortable silence, watching the two lovers (Not Creepily).


There will be an apology chapter after this. i am so sorry 

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