Spin the bottle (Logan/Patton Roman/Virgil)

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Who's horrible idea was this, you may ask?
Well, Logan had no idea.

Only that he was now stuck in these stupid party games.


Well, least Virgil didn't seem to be enjoying it either, but Patton had insisted they play some "classic sleepover games" as he called them. One was called "spin the bottle" and apparently that's what they were starting with, oh well.

"Who's first!?" Patton giggled, putting his hands over his mouth like an excited schoolboy.

Logan sighed and shook his head automatically. "Certainly not me." Thankfully, Roman had it covered.

The creative trait smirked, declaring that he would be the first to spin the bottle. He took a deep breath, and with the flick of his wrist, he watched the green glass spin around and around

Until it landed on...


They looked up, and Roman quickly pecked him on the cheek. All the while, Logan sat and refused to let the red of jealously show on his cheeks.

"My turn!" The puffball squealed, nearly shattering the glass when he spun it.
Slowly, it stoped turning, coming to rest on the mind-scapes resident Dark Prince.

Roman tried hard to keep the look of shock off his face, but failed. Logan was very good at reading people, and his body language said it all. Honestly.

Virgil looked at the bottle that was now facing him. Giving it a small glare, his face began to heat up. folding his arms, he gave a small "lets get this over with"

Patton gave him a sympathetic look, and quickly pecked him on his cheek a few times; at this, Virgil's face burned brighter, and he pulled his hood up. Giving the bottle a careless flick, it spun and landed on.

Oh, well would you look at that.


The studious trait straightened his tie and met Virgil's eyes. He looked away quickly, and Logan took the moment to lean in and press his lips to his cheek. Virgil let out a sigh of relief.

"Finally, it's over. Can I go now?"

"Are you to...scared?"

Virgil snapped his glowing head up, glaring daggers at Roman, who wore nothing but a knowing smirk.

"I said are you too-"
"No!" He snapped, his voice gaining a small echo, the one that signaled him stressing out. For a moment, Logan considered shitting down the whole thing but he decided that Virgil would have to figure it out on his own. After all, it was merely a kiss.

"...no" he finished, quieter.

He shuffled uncomfortably a little, gesturing at Logan.
"It's your turn"

Logan nodded, clearing his throat, he was already working out the mathematics of it all.

If I flick it with x amount of force, it should slow down and land on Patton, but I'd need to factor in the

"Logan? You going to spin?" Patton interrupted his train of thought, Logan's hand poised over the bottles head, like a cobra about to strike.
He cleared his throat, flicking the bottle. Fluttering his eyes closed, he waited for the rhythmic scraping of the bottle to slow to a stop.

"Ooo! Patton!" Roman giggled

Patton's face took on a light blush, and he slowly leaned forward, along with Logan. They finally met in the middle and kissed—not on the cheek.

Vaguely, Logan could sense Virgil and Roman giving each other matching looks of surprises Franckly, it didn't matter to him what they thought. All he could think about was...

The two traits pulled away...the silence weighing down the room. Logan cleated his throat meaningfully and watched Patton scramble for the bottle.

there was clearly a spark there.

Logan pushed up his glasses and straightened his tie.

Patton just stared.


"Well. Um, next spin?" Virgil spoke up, doubt in his voice. Patton nodded, spinning the bottle. Name of the game. It slowed and landed on a seething Virgil.
He scowled "why me twice?" He mumbled and crossed his arms, leaning in so Patton could get it over with.
Roman rolled his eyes, what a baby! It was just a kiss! Not like it actually meant much, other then platonic.

Well. Maybe more then platonic for the lovebirds over there. His mind mused, stifling the grin that was straining to arise.

Patton gave him a sympathetic look and kissed him on his forehead, "it's ok kiddo"
Virgil didn't respond, glaring at the floor and spinning without a word.
It slowed....and of course it landed on him.
Romans eyes widened, and his cheeks flushed. Virgils hand shot out, slapping the bottle across the room. it hit the wall and shattered into sparkling pieces.

Patton widened his eyes, scampering to the nearest broom. Logan eyed them both.
"Nuh-uh, no way," he narrowed his eyes at where the bottle had one been. "Not happening"

Roman rolled his eyes, scoffing. "Baby"

Virgil stopped

Oh no.

Vigil grabbed Romans face. Perhaps to prove a point, or maybe he just wanted to. He wasn't sure. (He hoped it was the latter) 
By no means was it the best kiss, or even a great one, but that didn't quite matter.
Roman, ever the dramatic, put his hands up to Virgil's cheeks and tilted so they fit perfectly. He was an expert in the matter, after all.

Once they could no longer breathe, the two broke apart. Roman's eyes fluttered open.

Virgil avoided his gaze and shifted backwards, downcast and radiating anxiety. The Prince had the undeniable urge to comfort his...friend...but he wasn't sure he'd be welcomed.

"Uh..." he said instead, shifting his eyes to look at Patton and Logan. They both stared back with knowing faces. He scowled and burned under their gazes.
Roman coughed into his arm, blushing furiously. He was desperate to move on from that awkward experience.

"Let's move on to truth or dare"

Logan and Patton looked at each other, eye brows raised.

*EDIT* yuh this one was fun to revise. September 9th 2019 *END EDIT*

There will be a part two, also I JUST WATCHED VOLTRON.
Keith is my fave, klance is my life, and I'm absolute t r a s h.
Lemme know if you'd like to see a Voltron fanfic of sorts
Au revoir!!

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