7 ~ November

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After I finish washing up my cereal bowl I look up, staring out of the dirty window and down at the street below, taking in the sight of the couple arguing, clearly both drunk and jobless. They continue to stumble over the street, screaming and waving their beer cans around. I turn away, looking back at the untidy, tiny kitchen that we possess.

At least we have a home.

With a sigh I reach out and grab the pile of letters that have built up, quickly shifting through them to check for any of importance. Edgewater Valley Power is printed across one envelope and I hastily rip it open, biting my lip as I anticipate what it says. 'Overdue' is slapped across the top of the letter and my eyes drift down to the wording below. Quickly scanning the contents of the letter I curse under my breath before walking into the living room where Elle sits, pulling her boots on.


"Yeah?" She asks, looking up at me.

"The electric?"

"What?" She furrows her eyebrows, walking past me to throw the apple core in the trash.

"I thought we'd paid this month?" I ask warily, holding the letter out. Her eyes grow wide as she turns towards me.

"Shit, Ann I was going to I swear." She runs her hands through her hair, eyes full of panic. "Shit, I forgot." She grimaces, "I'm so sorry, I just wanted to treat myself for once."

"Treat yourself?"

"I got a couple of new tops. Mine were ripping at the seams. I didn't even think about the bills." She groans, covering her eyes with her hands. "Shit I..."

"It's fine Elle." I reply, shrugging, "I have enough to cover us."

"You shouldn't..."

"I'm here to pay my way as well." I smile at her as she shakes her head.

"I'm supposed to be looking after you."

"You do enough for me Elle." I grab hold of her hand, squeezing it reassuringly. "I don't mind helping pay for the bills."

"I thought we'd be okay by now," Elle says, sinking down onto the couch. "It was hard to start with but I thought we'd have enough money by now to be secure and happy."

"I'm happy Elle."

"What kind of life is this?" She exclaims, gesturing to our untidy living space.

"It's my life. And I don't mind it." I say quietly, sitting down next to her, "We make it work."

"Work? I literally spent our bill money on clothes!" She snaps, covering her face with her hands once more.

"You deserve to treat yourself Elle." I reply softly, "You work all hours of the day."

"I'll pay you back."

"No you won't." I reply stubbornly, "Get to work, you're going to be late." I shoot her a quick smile before I go back to my room, shutting the door behind me and shutting my eyes in despair as I lean back on the door.

I'll pick up extra shifts at the diner next week.


The following Saturday I have the day off and somehow find myself going for a run through the woodlands on the edge of town for some much needed alone time.

Our small apartment means that there is no getting away from each other, Elle having been adamant all week that she will pay me back, something which has led to quite a few arguments.

I used to run every day after my parents died. It was the only time I ever felt truly alone, truly able to come to terms with what had happened. Nowadays I barely ever do it, too busy working or studying. Plus, I'd prefer to eat than be out here running.

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