15 ~ May

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"I am telling you, if I wanted to, I could easily get Mr Jenkinson into bed."

"You are disgusting." Georgia snaps, grimacing across the table as Becky grins, the feuding pair beginning their daily battle.

"Alright. Maybe I am." Becky smirks, "I'm bored. Give me a challenge."

"What?" Zara questions, her eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm bored." Becky repeats, "Challenge me to make out with someone!" I raise my eyebrow at her request. This girl is crazy and I love her.

"No!" Georgia hisses, leaning over the table glaring.

"You guys are boring."

"Don't sit with us then." Georgia snorts and I roll my eyes.

"Shut up." Becky retorts, sitting forward as I place my bottle down on the table, mentally preparing myself for World War Three. Anyone with half a brain can see that Georgia still hasn't warmed to Becky and why this is the case, I have no idea.

"Sav?" Zara queries, changing the subject as they all turn to face me, "You okay?"

"Yeah, fine." I reply, picking up a cookie and popping it in my mouth.

"Talk to us."

"I'm fine." I reassure them, sending them a quick smile, "Honestly. Just stressed about money." I finish, looking back down at my tray.

And freaky Patrick.

This morning I found him sat on the floor in the corner of the kitchen, drinking out of the carton of milk. I nearly screamed when I saw him, my hand flying to my chest in shock. He'd smirked up at me, his eyes glazed over, high on drugs.

Life is swell.

"Ed." I mutter.

"What?" Zara wrinkles her face in confusion.

"Becky wants a challenge." I explain as Georgia's mouth drops open. "Make out with Ed Hutchings."

"Challenge accepted." Becky grins, rising from her chair before leaning over and ducking down to whisper in my ear, "I am always happy to help distract you from a certain asshole."


I wasn't even thinking about Brett. Was she talking about Brett?

My eyes instantly drift over to the table in the far corner, Brett laughing with his mates as they joke around, one of them sat atop the table, his hands taped to a football. Is this what jocks do for fun?

"Watch and learn ladies." Becky exclaims, tearing me out of my daydream as she grins standing up and running her fingers through her long black hair. Picking up a fry from her tray she pops it into her mouth before turning towards the boys.

Ed is not the most attractive man, his cheeks are still slightly rounded, his body still carrying some puppy fat. He hangs out with the football players regardless, them accepting him into their crowd as the mascot of the team, dressed up as a chipmunk every game. I like him, he's always been kind to me, always helped me carry my books back when we had music class together. I haven't spoken to him in years, just the occasional smile across the room. With the guys constantly teasing him about girls, or lack thereof, I know that a kiss from the tall, gorgeous Becky will really help his ego. Plus, by Becky walking over there I can watch Brett without being noticed.

Wait, what?

Becky begins her walk over to the football players, Chris noticing her immediately and nudging the guy beside him. I wish I had the confidence she has, her eyes already locked onto Ed, the rest of the group all turning as she parades towards their table. At the last second she stops, falling gracefully into the lap of Edgewater High's mascot as the guys holler, Zara giggling and Georgia rolling her eyes. I feel myself begin to smile as the cafeteria watches Becky lean in, the cheers from the table rising as Ed's cheeks redden. 

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