69 ~ Month Twenty Two: August

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I grip hold of Elena's hand, my teeth clenched as I watch Brett fly across the field, desperate to make another touchdown before the time runs out. My heart is beating ridiculously fast against my rib cage, a lump in my throat. This run could win the game.

Clenching my hand tighter around Elena, I watch along with the rest of the stadium as Brett dodges the opponents, his own team clearing him a route. At the last second he throws himself down across the line as the buzzer sounds.

With a scream I echo the crowd, jumping on top of Elena and wrapping my arms around her neck. I glance down as we continue to jump, watching as Brett rips off his helmet, grinning as his team mates rally around him, all of them celebrating their first win of the season.

We stay and watch as the team congratulate each other, my eyes eventually panning the stadium, smiling as I take in the cheering crowd, half the stadium already emptying out. Losers.

As I gaze at Brett I can't help but smile at the clear joy and passion on his face as he laughs with the team mates that he's only known for the last two weeks as they trained. He's been spending six evenings a week in the gym preparing for this since July and I feel the pride sweep through me at what his determination has achieved.

He's finally back on the field, and I don't think I've ever seen him so happy.


"I don't suppose you'd sign my shirt?" I exclaim, walking up behind Brett. He whirls around, eyes widening as he grins.

"For an adoring fan such as yourself?" He grins, "Better check my Cheerleader isn't around." He teases and I lightly shove him as he laughs. "Where were you? I was looking for you after the game."

"They kicked us all out of the stadium! I wanted to wait but Elena convinced me we'd meet you here." I explain.

"I missed you." He says, and I reach up, wrapping my arms around the back of his neck.

"You were incredible." I inform him and he smiles.

"Thanks." He grins, "And thank you for making me do this." He says seriously before lowering his lips to meet mine. It's a slow, sensual kiss, one that if we weren't in the middle of a crowded room, would not end until we were naked.


"Hey Pete. James." Brett acknowledges, turning as two of the players hand him a cup of drink.

"Good game out there today!" James comments and I smile, happy that Brett's fitting in so well already. It helps that as soon as he was announced as an addition to the team they all welcomed him with open arms, Brett's high school reputation well known.

"I tried my best." Brett replies, grinning at them.

"Savannah!" A familiar squeal calls and I whirl around as Polly barrels into me, her platinum curls covering my face as she laughs.

"Polly?" I exclaim, stepping back and grinning at her tie-dye blue dress.

"Who are all these people?" She asks, eyes wide, "I've never seen them before!"

"They're the football players..." I say, in an obvious tone. She stares at me blankly.

"The wha'? Why?"

"There was a game tonight." I try again and she shakes her head.

"There was?"

"That's why there's a party?"

"Girl, there's a party every night if ya know where to look." Polly lectures, grinning. "Who knew! Congratulations to tha' team tha' won! I'm gonna get myself a shot to celebrate!" She nods before turning and disappearing back into the crowd as fast as she came. I can't help but smile after her, her lack of attention and general joyfulness always amusing me.

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